(Family Features.) The number one killer is cardiovascular disease. The number one cause of death worldwide and in the United States is cardiovascular disease. Research over the past 20 years has shown that more than 80% of cardiovascular events can be avoided by living a healthy lifestyle and managing risk factors. The American Heart Association created Life's Essential 8 to help Americans assess their cardiovascular health and make lifestyle changes that will improve their health. It outlines eight healthy habits that can impact heart health and brain health.
This checklist is based on more than 2,400 scientific papers about cardiovascular health that have been published since its inception as Life's Simple 7. It was more than a decade ago. It is now applicable to all ages, including those aged 2 and over. The eighth component of the checklist is sleep, which reflects findings that good sleep habits are essential for good heart and brain health.
“The ideal cardiovascular health idea is important because it gives people goals to work towards at all stages of their lives,” stated Donald M. Lloyd Jones, M.D. Sc.M, EAHA, president of American Heart Association, and chair of Northwestern University's department of preventive medicine. “We felt it was time to review the most recent research and to consider any new metrics that could be used to assess cardiovascular health for all.
These eight steps are essential to make positive changes in your life and improve your brain health.
Eat More This checklist provides a quick questionnaire to help you assess your eating habits. Heart-healthy eating habits include a high intake in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and fat-free or low-fat milk; lean protein; low sodium intake; and low intakes of red, processed, and sweetened food and drinks. Use whole foods, and healthy oils other than olive and canola for cooking.
Get Active
Adults should aim to do 150 minutes of moderate activity per week (such as walking), or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week. Children aged 6 years and older require 1 hour of structured play each day.
Quit Tobacco & Nicotine
The high blood pressure and heart rate of nicotine can cause a rapid rise in heart rate, and carbon monoxide and tobacco can rob your brain, heart and arteries from oxygen. About 4,000 chemicals are found in cigarettes. At least 250 are potentially harmful for your health. To reduce your risk of developing lung cancer, you should avoid any nicotine-containing products, such as cigarettes and vaping devices. You also need to limit your exposure to secondhand smoke.
Get Adequate Rest
A good night of sleep is essential for cardiovascular health. The optimal amount of sleep for adults is 7-9 hours per night. This is measured by the average hours that they get each night. For children aged 5-12 years, the ideal sleep hours are between 10-16 hours and 9-12 hours. For those aged 6-12 years, it is 8-10 hours.
Maintaining a Healthy Bodyweight
The BMI (body mass index) measurement isn't perfect, but it is easy to calculate and readily available. Therefore, BMI is still a useful gauge to determine weight categories that could lead to health problems. The highest level of cardiovascular health is associated with a BMI of 18.5-24.9.
Manage Cholesterol Levels
Non-HDL (or “bad”) cholesterol is more reliable than total cholesterol as a predictor of cardiovascular disease. Non-HDL cholesterol is easily measured and reliable calculated without fasting.
Manage Blood Sugar
Blood glucose levels can build up if there isn't enough insulin or the body doesn't use insulin efficiently. Your long-term blood glucose control is measured by hemoglobin A1c readings. Normal A1c readings are below 5.7%. Pre-diabetes range from 5.7% to 6.4%.
Understanding Blood Pressure Readings
A blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg is the ideal. Hypertension refers to a pressure between 130 and139 mmHg systolic (the highest number in a reading), or 80-89mmHg diastolic (the lowest number).
Visit heart.org/lifes8 for more information on how to maintain optimal cardiovascular health or to evaluate your lifestyle risk factors.
Photo courtesy Getty Images
SOURCEAmerican Heart Association
The article 8 Essentials to a Healthy Heart appeared originally on Alternative Medicine Magazine.
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By: Dick Benson
Title: 8 Essentials for a Healthy Heart
Sourced From: alternativemedicine.com/conditions/heart-disease/8-essentials-for-a-healthy-heart/
Published Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 21:27:17 +0000
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