There's a growing number of cancer patients in North America who choose alternative medicine in addition to conventional Western therapies. These alternative therapies are particularly popular among colorectal cancer and breast cancer survivors. In many cases, these practitioners disagree with their oncologist, but it's important to know that chemo is a viable treatment option.
Alternative therapies
There are some studies that show the effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicine for cancer patients. These studies also show that patients who used complementary medicine were more likely to live longer than those who used conventional treatments. These patients are also more likely to be younger and better educated than those who chose conventional treatments. Although some risks of using alternative medicine are unknown, the results of these studies are encouraging.
Although alternative treatments are not a cure for cancer, they can help patients cope with the symptoms and side effects of cancer. For example, meditation can help patients cope with the stress and anxiety they often experience during treatment.
The cost of cancer drugs has been steadily increasing in recent years, much faster than the rate of inflation. This has a negative impact on the health of patients, who often delay or forgo treatment because they cannot afford the costs. Also, missed drug doses lead to higher risk of hospitalization in the future.
While conventional cancer treatments still offer patients the best chance for a cure, an increasing number of patients are opting for alternative cancer treatments. Some of these treatments have not undergone rigorous scientific evaluation, and there is no proof that they are more effective than conventional cancer treatments. Others, however, may provide a safe immune boost and mitigate the side effects of conventional cancer treatments. In any case, patients should always seek professional medical advice before using any treatment.
Overall survival
A recent study compared the effectiveness of conventional and alternative treatments for cancer. Researchers found that patients who had alternative treatments were younger, healthier, and had higher income and education levels. These factors could increase the chances of survival. Also, patients who had used alternative therapies were less likely to undergo chemotherapy.
The study looked at 1.9 million people with nonmetastatic cancer. Of these patients, 258 had used alternative medicine in addition to conventional treatment. Among those, some patients chose surgery and avoided chemotherapy in favor of complementary medicine.
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