Alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis can be very helpful for patients with the disease. These therapies can help relieve pain and improve the quality of life of patients. Some of these therapies include Homeopathy, Cryotherapy, Tai chi, and Exercise.
Homeopathy is a natural treatment that can treat several types of rheumatic ailments. It can help to treat a number of symptoms, including pain, swelling, and deformities. One medicine commonly used is Causticum. This remedy is best used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammatory disorder of the joints. Affected patients often feel intense pain and have a hard time moving their joints.
Homeopathy for rheumatoid arthritis can be effective in treating pain, especially when combined with NSAIDs and DMARDs. Although homeopathic treatment is effective for patients with RA, it does not provide a cure. However, it can be a useful adjunct to standard medicine.
Cryotherapy for rheumitoid arthritis is a modern and high-tech treatment that can be used to decrease the symptoms of the disease. Cryotherapy works by reducing the body temperature, stimulating receptors in the body, and causing blood to rush into the affected area, delivering oxygen and nutrients. The body then responds by reducing inflammation and boosting energy levels. The treatment is also effective for other types of arthritis.
Although Cryotherapy has not been proven to cure rheumatoid arthritis, it can reduce pain and improve mobility. In fact, studies have shown that the treatment has improved general mobility in 60 percent of patients, reduced their medicines by up to 40%, and increased range of motion.
Tai chi
Tai chi is a traditional Chinese mind-body exercise that is used to reduce pain and improve physical and psychological health. Although the exact mechanisms of Tai chi's effects on rheumatic diseases are not yet clear, researchers are investigating the benefits of the exercise. As with any treatment, Tai Chi should be discussed with your physician to ensure that you receive the best treatment available for your condition. However, Tai chi should never replace conventional care.
One study looked at the effects of Tai chi on chronic pain in patients with OA. It found that Tai Chi significantly reduced pain for patients who underwent it, compared to controls. However, Tai Chi was not able to alleviate pain in patients with OA over six to 10 weeks.
Performing physical activities can help you manage your arthritis symptoms. However, physical activity should be done cautiously to avoid causing more damage to your joints. It is recommended that you start slowly and increase the intensity of your activity over time. Also, you should modify your exercises if you feel your condition worsens. You can also consult with a physical therapist to learn the right exercises for your condition.
While it may be difficult to do physical exercises while suffering from RA, the benefits of regular physical activity cannot be overstated. Inactivity can lead to loss of joint motion and muscle strength, which reduces joint stability and increases fatigue. Therefore, regular physical activity is crucial for preventing the negative effects of RA. There are several types of exercise that can be beneficial for those with RA, and gentle movement may be the best option.
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