There are many alternative treatment options available. These include meditation, acupuncture, Memantine, nutritional supplements, and more. The best way to choose the one that suits you best is to talk to your doctor first. You may also consider trying homeopathic medicine, a form of alternative medicine. Although homeopathic medicine advocates argue that symptoms of disease represent the body's defense mechanisms against the disease, it's not always clear whether homeopathic remedies are effective.
Recent studies have shown that meditation can be a useful complement to current medical and surgical treatments for glaucoma. Researchers have also found that meditation can improve a patient's quality of life. While the findings are preliminary, further research is needed to determine whether meditation is effective in treating glaucoma.
One study involving 90 people with primary open angle glaucoma found that a short course of mindfulness-based meditation reduced intraocular pressure, reduced blood levels of stress bio-markers, and improved quality of life. Although the study did not assess how meditation affected the progression of the disease, many ophthalmologists believe that reducing stress and anxiety is essential to the treatment of glaucoma.
Evidence on acupuncture as an alternative treatment for glaucoma is limited. The main aim of glaucoma treatment is to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP). Although acupuncture is a well-known treatment option, evidence on its efficacy is still limited. This is because of conflicting findings from systematic evaluations, both in the US and abroad. In addition, it is difficult to make informed decisions about acupuncture if there are no good SRs/MAs to support its use.
In one study of 500 glaucoma patients, acupuncture reduced the IOP and improved visual acuity and subjective symptoms. The IOP decreased weekly and the visual acuity improved at three, four, and five weeks. The study found that acupuncture could be used as a supplement to conventional therapies.
Memantine is an alternative treatment for glaucoma, which may be helpful for some people with the disease. However, you should be aware of any potential side effects of this medication. It is also best to discuss the risk of memantine with your doctor. This medication may not be safe to take if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering surgery. It is also important to take this medication according to the recommended schedule.
A study in 2006 examined the effects of memantine on the progression of open-angle glaucoma (OAG) in patients with the disease. The study involved randomized trials with memantine given orally. The study included 2298 patients with bilateral OAG and optic disc damage. The study also excluded patients with vision field loss and optic disc damage due to safety concerns.
Laser trabeculoplasty
Laser trabeculoplasty is an alternative treatment for glaucoma, which can reduce intraocular pressure. The procedure is performed using lasers and triggers biochemical changes in the angle tissues, thereby causing them to loosen and allow more aqueous to enter Schlemm's canal. Lasers have a unique ability to stimulate the growth of macrophages, thereby improving the health of angle tissues.
Studies conducted with this treatment have shown its efficacy in lowering intraocular pressure. In addition, patients with recently diagnosed glaucoma can benefit from this treatment as well. Despite its high costs, it has been regarded as a successful alternative for patients with glaucoma.
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