If surgery is not an option for you, an alternative treatment for knee replacement may be the right solution for you. These therapies have a variety of benefits. They may be less aggressive than surgery, and can even help you avoid scarring and further degeneration. Some of the best-known nonsurgical treatments include physiotherapy and stem cell therapy.
The Regeneris BioKnee procedure is an alternative to knee replacement surgery. While a traditional knee replacement involves placing a metal and plastic implant, the BioKnee procedure uses stem cells from the patient. As a result, this treatment is less invasive and has fewer risks. In addition, the patient is able to go home the same day as the surgery.
BioKnee is a new technology that has given surgeons a new treatment option for knee replacement. It replaces damaged or missing articular cartilage and meniscal cartilage with a graft made from your own or a donor's tissue. It can be an effective option for some patients with severe knee pain.
Stem cell therapy
One alternative treatment for knee replacement is using stem cells from the patient's own bone marrow. This technique is a minimally invasive procedure. It can improve pain and inflammation. Moreover, since stem cells are obtained from the patient, there are fewer risks of serious side effects. There are several clinics offering this treatment.
One of the major benefits of this treatment is that it is safe and requires no additional surgery. Moreover, patients can return to their normal daily activities within a day after stem cell therapy. The procedure does not require painkillers and can be done on patients with early or moderate osteoarthritis.
Partially knee replacement
Patients who have only one side of their knee affected by osteoarthritis can opt for a partially knee replacement. This procedure is most common among older patients. However, it is not for everyone. People with severe knee conditions or other medical conditions may not be suitable candidates for this procedure. Therefore, alternative treatments are a good option for those with this condition.
Partial knee replacement surgery involves the removal of damaged tissue and bone from the knee joint. Patients who suffer from this condition usually have limited range of motion, pain, and stiffness. This type of surgery can reduce these symptoms and can reduce the recovery time. The procedure can be performed under general or regional anesthesia, which is painless. The surgeon will make a small incision over the knee, usually three to five inches long.
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