If you have squamous cell cancer, you may be looking for an alternative treatment. There are many options that you can choose from. You can try Black salve, Grape seed extract, Immunotherapy, or Cryosurgery. Some of these treatments are not always successful, but can be a good alternative to chemotherapy.
Black salve
The ingredients of black salve are zinc chloride and dimethyl sulfoxide. These compounds are synthesized from zinc and hydrochloric acid. They do not occur naturally, other than in rare minerals, such as simonkolleite. These substances are primarily used in metallurgical fluxes and industrial processes. Despite its low cost and non-toxic properties, black salve should be used with caution.
Grape seed extract
New research has found that a natural supplement made from grape seed extract may be a viable treatment for head and neck squamous cell cancer. The antioxidant properties of grape seed extract can inhibit cancer cell growth without adverse effects on normal bronchial epithelial cells. The effects were seen in animal models and in 10 lung-cancer cell lines. Researchers also found that the extract had more powerful antioxidant properties than vitamin E and vitamin C.
Cryosurgery is a form of cancer treatment that uses cold temperatures to destroy cancerous cells. The process can be performed either as a local treatment or with the help of a cryoprobe. Cryosurgery works by freezing the cancerous cells with liquid nitrogen or argon gas. The treatment leaves behind microscopic pieces of cancerous tissue. Because it is a local treatment, it is less harmful to nearby healthy tissue. It may also be used to treat tumors that are hard to remove or that are resistant to standard treatments.
Immunotherapy is an alternative cancer treatment that uses immune system molecules to fight cancer cells. It is generally not effective against all types of cancer, but it may be effective in some cases. The effectiveness of immunotherapy depends on a variety of factors, including the type of cancer, the patient's age, and other factors. However, in many cases, this treatment can produce a durable response. In about 25 percent of cases, this response lasts long, and the cancer cells may be killed by the immune system even after the immunotherapy is over.
The benefits of chemoradiotherapy as an alternative treatment for localized esophageal cancer have been shown in several studies, but the long-term survival rate remains low. In one study, patients were randomly assigned to receive either chemoradiotherapy without surgery or induction chemotherapy plus 40 to 65-gigahertz radiation therapy. The primary outcome was overall survival time.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy can be a viable alternative to surgery for squamous cell cancer. This treatment is an outpatient procedure that uses high energy rays to destroy cancer cells and nearby tissue. The treatment is highly effective at controlling the cancer and relieving the symptoms. It works by destroying cancer cells by impairing their ability to grow and multiply. The destroyed cells are then naturally eliminated by the body.
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