If you want to save money on a septic system, you should consider an aerobic treatment system. This method works by injecting oxygen into the treatment tank using an air pump. This additional oxygen helps clean the effluent by stimulating natural bacterial activity. This technology is similar to what large sewage treatment facilities use to treat wastewater. It is an excellent choice for lots with suboptimal soil conditions or those that are near sensitive waterways.
Mound systems
A mound system is a type of alternative treatment technology for septic tanks. It uses a dosing chamber that distributes wastewater to a mound. The sand in the mound partially treats wastewater. It then undergoes a final treatment in the soil beneath the mound. Because the mound does not allow all effluent to enter at one time, it can prevent a failure of the system.
This method of septic tank treatment uses biological organisms to break down wastewater. It is a great option for properties with high groundwater tables and small lots. The sand in the mound provides a surface for bacteria to grow. It also provides oxygen for the bacteria. The bacteria that live in a mound are aerobic, meaning they need oxygen in order to survive. The sand also provides a filtering mechanism by allowing the mound to rest and remain aerobic between doses.
Pressurized dosing
A pressurized dosing system is an alternative treatment technology used in septic systems. It uses a pump and a nozzle to distribute effluent evenly through the absorption system. These systems are generally complex and more expensive than traditional septic systems. However, they can be a good fit for some homeowners. They can also be used in combination with other systems.
Pressurized dosing works by pumping and distributing effluent through a series of 1.5-to-2-inch pipes. The laterals are connected to the septic tank and are spaced approximately three to eight feet apart. The effluent then moves into the soil where it is treated. The pump is automatically shut off when the effluent falls below the control level. If the pump fails, an alert is sent to the homeowner. The effluent will need time between doses to fully soak into the soil. During this time, oxygen will enter the soil.
Evapotranspiration systems
Evapotranspiration systems are an excellent alternative to conventional septic systems. They are designed to disperse effluent through a combination of evapotranspiration and infiltration into the soil. These systems are followed by a primary pretreatment unit.
Evapotranspiration systems are low-cost alternatives to conventional septic systems. Designed to provide drinking water without chemicals, this alternative treatment technology is gaining popularity in areas suffering from droughts. It is an environmentally friendly approach for small rural households looking for a more sustainable alternative to septic tanks. Another type of evapotranspiration septic system is a wetland septic tank system. The pond contains bacteria that break down the human waste. This means nitrates are not released into the groundwater.
Sand filter septic systems
Sand filter septic systems are a proven and highly effective alternative to traditional septic systems. These systems are constructed on-site by a contractor. Most materials needed for the construction are available locally. One exception is the filter media, which must be ordered from an aggregate company. The filter media must be uniform in size in order to allow wastewater to flow through.
During the treatment process, microorganisms in the slimes consume colloidal and soluble waste materials. The organisms then degrade them under aerobic conditions, creating water and carbon dioxide. The biological treatment process occurs mostly within the first six inches of the filter's surface, where the majority of the waste is absorbed. The resulting effluent is typically of high quality, with BOD and TSS levels in the two to five-milligram range.
Plastic chamber leach field
A plastic chamber leach field can be an excellent alternative to traditional septic systems. It is the perfect choice for properties with high groundwater tables and small lots. Instead of gravel, plastic chambers sit in the soil and create a void in which wastewater can flow. This allows the effluent to come in contact with the soil underneath, which treats it.
A septic system is comprised of a septic tank and a bioreactor or biologically active system. It can be constructed above or below ground and incorporates oxygen into the wastewater. Unlike a traditional leach field, a septic system does not require a leach field because treated water passes directly to the soil.
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