Holistic care is the process of treating an entire person instead of just symptoms. It includes interacting with the person's mind, body, and spirit. It is often referred to as "whole-person care," and encompasses everything that makes a person tick. For example, people who are from different cultures may have difficulty maintaining eye contact or maintaining close contact with one another. A … [Read more...]
Holistic Careers
There are a number of different options for people seeking holistic careers. The fields that fall under this category include massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga, reiki, nutrition, and life coaching. For more information about these careers, read on! Here are some of the main options. In addition to these, you can pursue a career in a nontraditional area of medicine. If you're interested in a … [Read more...]
Holistic Care in the NHS
A nurse specialist in lung cancer has started to use SPARC (short for self-assessment of needs) to assess patients' needs for holistic care. She invites patients to fill out the SPARC at their next hospital visit, if possible, and returns it to her with a stamped addressed envelope. The use of HNA is becoming more common throughout the NHS, and although it's far from perfect, many innovative … [Read more...]
The Food Cure (1080p) FULL DOCUMENTARY – Health & Wellness, Food, Alternative Medicine
Are you seeking ways to become healthier? Are you looking to learn how to lead a healthy lifestyle ? Wellness and health is a subject that has been gaining popularity in the past few years. Everyone wants to know how they can remain fit, lose weight and feel fantastic. But most people aren't willing to take on the effort necessary to reach these objectives. They're just looking for … [Read more...]
Introduction : Concept of Health and wellness
Are you in search of ways to get healthier? Do you want to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle? The topic of health and wellness is a topic that has become increasingly popular in the last few years. There is a general desire to learn how to keep fit, shed weight, and feel great. Most people don't want to take on the effort required to attain these goals. They just want someone else to … [Read more...]
Naturopathic Doctor Jobs
If you've recently graduated from school and are considering a career in naturopathic medicine, here are a few tips on how to write a resume that reflects your interest in this field. After all, your resume should highlight your skills in natural healthcare and knowledge of alternative medicine. A resume for a naturopathic doctor should highlight your compassion for patients and willingness to … [Read more...]
Naturopathic Doctors in Asheville, NC
If you're looking for a naturopathic doctor in Asheville, NC, look no further. Dr. Kristina Lewis, Dr. Steven Coward, and Dr. Janet Graham are just some of the many practitioners you can consult. Read on to learn more about their credentials and the many benefits they provide patients. Dr. Lewis has a passion for natural medicine and believes in building heart connections with her patients. She'll … [Read more...]
The Big Fat Lie (1080p) FULL DOCUMENTARY – Health & Wellness, Diet
Are you looking for ways to be healthier? Do you want to learn how to live a healthy way of life? The topic of health and wellness is a topic that has grown in popularity in recent years. Everybody wants to learn how to keep fit, shed weight, and feel great. But most people aren't willing to work hard required to achieve these goals. They just want someone else to do it for them. … [Read more...]
Hormone Replacement Therapy Near Me
If you're looking for a physician who specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, you've come to the right place. We've reviewed the Treatment options, side effects, and costs of the various types of hormone replacement therapy. You'll also find out how to get started and how to avoid any possible pitfalls. Continue reading to learn more about hormone replacement therapy near me. And … [Read more...]
Side Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men
Most of us never consider the hormonal changes that happen during our lives - we think only of the effects on women. But the truth is that many men experience these changes just as much as women do, and they need expert clinical guidance to address the symptoms of these changes. Dr. Farhina Imtiaz, a board-certified gynecological surgeon specializing in hormone replacement therapy, is a good … [Read more...]