The Golden Hour
Establishing a consistent sleep schedule is essential for optimal health, but finding the right bedtime can be a challenge. However, recent research suggests that going to bed between 10:00pm and 11:00pm can have a positive impact on heart health. While there has been extensive study on sleep duration and cardiovascular disease, the connection between bedtime and heart health is still relatively unexplored. To shed light on this topic, a UK study surveyed over 88,000 individuals, aged forty-three to seventy-nine, about their nighttime routines and heart health.
The Study and Its Findings
The participants were divided into four groups based on their bedtime: asleep before 10pm, asleep between 10-11pm, asleep between 11-12pm, and asleep after midnight. Researchers collected data on various factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes, and smoking status to ensure accurate results. After analyzing the data, the study concluded that going to bed between 10:00pm and 10:59pm had the most significant positive impact on heart health. In fact, participants who went to bed during this time frame had the lowest incidence of heart problems compared to the other bedtime groups.
The study revealed that 3.6% of participants developed cardiovascular disease. Among those who developed the disease, the majority either went to bed before 10:00pm or after 10:59pm. Participants who went to bed before 10pm had a 24% higher risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who went to bed between 10pm and 10:59pm. Similarly, those who went to sleep between 11:00pm and 11:59pm had a 12% increased risk, while individuals who went to bed at midnight or later had a 25% increased risk.
Gender Differences
Interestingly, the study found that women were more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than men. For women, going to bed before 10pm or after 11pm significantly increased their risk. However, men only had an increased risk when they went to bed before 10pm, not when they went to bed after 11pm. The study suggests that this difference may be due to variations in circadian rhythm disruptions between men and women, as well as the influence of post-menopause in older women.
Take Control of Your Heart Health
If you're concerned about your heart health, paying attention to your bedtime could be a simple yet effective solution. Specifically, going to bed between 10pm and 11pm may help lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. This low-budget approach could be a valuable addition to your heart-healthy lifestyle. By prioritizing your sleep schedule, you can take proactive steps towards maintaining a healthier heart.
Reference: European Society of Cardiology
The post Certain Bedtimes Can Improve Your Heart Health appeared on Alternative Medicine Magazine.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the five alternative medical systems?
These five alternative medicine systems are Ayurveda (acupuncture), Ayurveda (homeopathy), energy healing, aromatherapy, and homeopathy.
Acupuncture uses fine needles placed in specific points of the body to stimulate qi flow throughout the body.
Ayurvedic Medicine is an ancient system of health care based on balancing the three humors – air, fire, and water. It includes diet, exercise and herbal remedies. Massage is also included.
Homeopathic Medicine is derived from the Greek words homoios meaning similar and pathos meaning disease. Homeopaths believe that all diseases have natural causes but not always symptoms. They use minute amounts of substances to treat their patients. These symptoms are very similar to what the patient experiences when they are sick.
Energy Healing is also known for Reiki, EFT Rolfing Therapeutic Touch, Rolfing and Rolfing. This therapy draws on the belief that we are each connected to a universal life force called Ki. If this Ki flows freely though us, it makes us feel well. Energy healers use touch or intention to restore harmony between our spiritual, emotional, and physical selves.
Aromatherapy uses essential herbs extracted from plants to provide therapeutic benefits. Aromatherapists believe certain smells can have a positive effect on mood and behavior. The most common essential oil used in aromatherapy is lavender.
What are the advantages of holistic medicine over traditional medicine?
Many religions, cultures, and nations have used holistic remedies for thousands upon thousands of years. They were developed using ancient knowledge and experiences.
These medicines are safe and effective. They also come at a reasonable price. Side effects of these medicines are very low compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
They can also improve your health and wellbeing.
They can prevent you from getting sick and boost your overall well being.
They could even be used to treat heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma and depression.
There are many traditional medicines available, with each having its own benefits.
According to the World Health Organization, 80% of people rely on traditional treatments for injury or illness.
A reported half-billion people use traditional herbal remedies to get primary healthcare.
The global market for complementary therapies is estimated to reach $22.2 billion by 2020.
People are increasingly turning towards alternative medical methods to avoid adverse side effects.
Complementary therapies are often used when other options fail to work. They might also consider them before considering surgery or medication.
There are many reasons why people choose to use complementary therapies.
- To improve the quality of your life
- To reduce stress levels
- For relaxation
- To relieve pain
- To enhance immunity
- Support for those with serious illnesses
- To boost energy
- To control weight
- To maintain good nutrition
- To improve sleep patterns
- To treat chronic conditions
Complementary and Alternative Healthcare – Does it have Evidence-Based Basis?
The evidence base supporting complementary and alternate medicine is still developing, but there are many factors that people choose to use these therapies. They may have tried conventional treatments but found them ineffective, or they may want to try an alternative therapy because they believe it offers benefits over conventional care. As part of a holistic approach, they might look for complementary and alternate medicines. It is vital that patients verify that all complementary and alternative medicines are supported by scientific evidence. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure if a treatment is effective. This could save you time and money in the long-term.
- The concept of regression toward the mean implies that an extreme result is more likely to be followed by a less extreme result. (
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (
- A 15-year systematic review published in 2022 on the global acceptance and use of CAM among medical specialists found the overall acceptance of CAM at 52% and the overall use at 45%. (
- The use of alternative medicine in the US has increased, with a 50 percent increase in expenditures and a 25 percent increase in the use of alternative therapies between 1990 and 1997 in America. (
- In the 17% in which they disagreed, a third reader agreed with one of the initial readers to set a rating. (
External Links
- Games for Health Journal, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers
- The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
- The rise and rise of complementary and alternative medicine: a sociological perspective – PubMed
- PubMed: Holistic Medicine – PubMed
How To
What should I look for when looking for a qualified holistic doctor
How to find a good doctor who specializes in holistic medicine?
Doctors who specialize in their chosen field are the best. This is holistic medicine. Doctors must be able to treat patients holistically. This includes treating the whole person and not just the symptoms. It is important for doctors to understand holistic health. This is why holistic doctors are so valuable.
The doctor should be able to understand holistic health as well as complementary and alternative therapies (CAM), such chiropractic care, massage therapy, and acupuncture.
Holistic healthcare practitioners should also have the ability to diagnose your condition, and then explain the options available so you can make an educated decision about your treatment options.
Also, ask if the doctor holds certifications from professional associations such as the American Holistic Medical Association and the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. NBOHMCA certification is available in many areas, such as naturopathic, acupuncture or homeopathy, clinical nutritional, herbal medicine, aromatherapy and clinical nutrition.
Look through our directory to find a holistic doctor in your region. You may be able search online to find a holistic physician near you if there aren't any listed.
Contact your local hospital or medical center to confirm whether they offer holistic healthcare.
For books and information on holistic healthcare, visit your library.
This blog is a source of general information and discussion on health and related topics. Information and materials on this blog, on the website, or in any of the connected materials are not intended to replace or used as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional, diagnosis, or treatment. This blog does not represent the application of any nursing, medical or other health professional advice or diagnosis. We are unable to diagnose health conditions, offer second opinions or provide specific treatment recommendations via this blog or on our website.
If you or another person is suffering from a medical issue and you are concerned, consult your doctor or seek out other medical professional treatment as soon as possible. Do not disregard medical advice from a professional or delay seeking it due to information you seen on the blog or website or in any of the linked materials. If you're experiencing an emergency medical situation, dial 911 or seek emergency medical assistance on the closest phone immediately.
By: Dick Benson
Title: Certain Bedtimes Can Improve Your Heart Health
Sourced From:
Published Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2023 03:43:44 +0000
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the five alternative medical systems?
These five alternative medicine systems are Ayurveda (acupuncture), Ayurveda (homeopathy), energy healing, aromatherapy, and homeopathy.
Acupuncture uses fine needles placed in specific points of the body to stimulate qi flow throughout the body.
Ayurvedic Medicine is an ancient system of health care based on balancing the three humors – air, fire, and water. It includes diet, exercise and herbal remedies. Massage is also included.
Homeopathic Medicine is derived from the Greek words homoios meaning similar and pathos meaning disease. Homeopaths believe that all diseases have natural causes but not always symptoms. They use minute amounts of substances to treat their patients. These symptoms are very similar to what the patient experiences when they are sick.
Energy Healing is also known for Reiki, EFT Rolfing Therapeutic Touch, Rolfing and Rolfing. This therapy draws on the belief that we are each connected to a universal life force called Ki. If this Ki flows freely though us, it makes us feel well. Energy healers use touch or intention to restore harmony between our spiritual, emotional, and physical selves.
Aromatherapy uses essential herbs extracted from plants to provide therapeutic benefits. Aromatherapists believe certain smells can have a positive effect on mood and behavior. The most common essential oil used in aromatherapy is lavender.
What are the advantages of holistic medicine over traditional medicine?
Many religions, cultures, and nations have used holistic remedies for thousands upon thousands of years. They were developed using ancient knowledge and experiences.
These medicines are safe and effective. They also come at a reasonable price. Side effects of these medicines are very low compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
They can also improve your health and wellbeing.
They can prevent you from getting sick and boost your overall well being.
They could even be used to treat heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma and depression.
There are many traditional medicines available, with each having its own benefits.
According to the World Health Organization, 80% of people rely on traditional treatments for injury or illness.
A reported half-billion people use traditional herbal remedies to get primary healthcare.
The global market for complementary therapies is estimated to reach $22.2 billion by 2020.
People are increasingly turning towards alternative medical methods to avoid adverse side effects.
Complementary therapies are often used when other options fail to work. They might also consider them before considering surgery or medication.
There are many reasons why people choose to use complementary therapies.
- To improve the quality of your life
- To reduce stress levels
- For relaxation
- To relieve pain
- To enhance immunity
- Support for those with serious illnesses
- To boost energy
- To control weight
- To maintain good nutrition
- To improve sleep patterns
- To treat chronic conditions
Complementary and Alternative Healthcare – Does it have Evidence-Based Basis?
The evidence base supporting complementary and alternate medicine is still developing, but there are many factors that people choose to use these therapies. They may have tried conventional treatments but found them ineffective, or they may want to try an alternative therapy because they believe it offers benefits over conventional care. As part of a holistic approach, they might look for complementary and alternate medicines. It is vital that patients verify that all complementary and alternative medicines are supported by scientific evidence. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure if a treatment is effective. This could save you time and money in the long-term.
- The concept of regression toward the mean implies that an extreme result is more likely to be followed by a less extreme result. (
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (
- A 15-year systematic review published in 2022 on the global acceptance and use of CAM among medical specialists found the overall acceptance of CAM at 52% and the overall use at 45%. (
- The use of alternative medicine in the US has increased, with a 50 percent increase in expenditures and a 25 percent increase in the use of alternative therapies between 1990 and 1997 in America. (
- In the 17% in which they disagreed, a third reader agreed with one of the initial readers to set a rating. (
External Links
- Games for Health Journal, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers
- The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
- The rise and rise of complementary and alternative medicine: a sociological perspective – PubMed
- PubMed: Holistic Medicine – PubMed
How To
What should I look for when looking for a qualified holistic doctor
How to find a good doctor who specializes in holistic medicine?
Doctors who specialize in their chosen field are the best. This is holistic medicine. Doctors must be able to treat patients holistically. This includes treating the whole person and not just the symptoms. It is important for doctors to understand holistic health. This is why holistic doctors are so valuable.
The doctor should be able to understand holistic health as well as complementary and alternative therapies (CAM), such chiropractic care, massage therapy, and acupuncture.
Holistic healthcare practitioners should also have the ability to diagnose your condition, and then explain the options available so you can make an educated decision about your treatment options.
Also, ask if the doctor holds certifications from professional associations such as the American Holistic Medical Association and the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. NBOHMCA certification is available in many areas, such as naturopathic, acupuncture or homeopathy, clinical nutritional, herbal medicine, aromatherapy and clinical nutrition.
Look through our directory to find a holistic doctor in your region. You may be able search online to find a holistic physician near you if there aren't any listed.
Contact your local hospital or medical center to confirm whether they offer holistic healthcare.
For books and information on holistic healthcare, visit your library.