The treatment of insomnia with Chinese medicine involves the regulation of the body's Qi, blood, Yin and visceral organs. The primary goal of insomnia treatments is to restore the normal functions of the visceral organs. Symptoms of insomnia include restlessness, dysphoria and dry mouth. Other symptoms include sores in the mouth. Listed below are some of the most common herbal remedies for insomnia.
Xie Cao (Valerian Root)
Valerian root is an herbal supplement that is commonly used for insomnia and anxiety. Its mechanism of action was not known until recently, however, as recent neurobiological research has uncovered that the herb has similarities to benzodiazepine drugs. In addition, the chemical makeup of Valerian root resembles that of diazepam. So, it is no surprise that Valerian root has many uses as a Chinese medicine remedy for insomnia.
The roots of Valerian, also known as Xie Cao, are native to Asia and Europe. Their leaves and roots are highly fragrant, and they are used in Chinese medicine for insomnia, nervousness, and a variety of other conditions. The plant's flowers have a mildly floral scent while the root has a rich, earthy odor. Valerian contains sedative compounds that induce deep sleep.
Valerian is derived from the Latin word valerie, meaning “strong.” It is most effective when grown in dry soil, since the oil roots will yield more oil than the wet ones. However, the plant can be toxic if taken raw. In a double-blind study, Valerian root was more effective when combined with licorice, aniseed, and raisins.
Valerian root is generally well-tolerated, but can cause side effects when combined with alcohol, sedatives, over-the-counter sleep aids, or cold remedies. In one case, a teenager who took valerian root capsules attempted suicide. This side effect may be attributed to the high concentration of valerian root in their system, but it doesn't happen with smaller doses.
Anemarrhena root
Anemarrhena is a unique herb that grows wild in Japan and northern China. It has a history of over 2,000 years of use. The rhizomes of Anemarrhena are hard and round, pale yellow on the inside. The herb is also used in herbal combinations to treat various conditions, including high blood pressure and liver-fire deficiency.
In Chinese Medicine, Anemarrhena root is often used to treat insomnia due to indigestion. It is used for occasional insomnia episodes but not on a regular therapeutic basis. Its main constituent is Fu Ling, a heart tonic, which has sedating and tranquilizing effects. Moreover, the heart controls the mind and is often connected to the causes of insomnia. To further understand the effects of Anemarrhena root on the heart, let's look at its mechanism of action.
The herb Passionflower can relieve insomnia and restlessness by stimulating the release of GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps induce a relaxed state. GABA(A) receptors are found in the thalamus and sleep regions, and they mediate inhibitory processes in the brain that reduce waking and improve slow-wave sleep, the deepest type of sleep. It is similar to benzodiazepines in its effect on the central nervous system.
To get the most from passionflower, drink the herb's tea or extract. It is also available in tincture form. Drink the liquid extract in the morning and before bed. The herb may also be taken throughout the day for insomnia and anxiety. Take note, however, that it can increase the side effects of sedatives, MAOIs, or certain medications. As with any herbal product, passionflower should only be used under the guidance of a qualified health care practitioner.
The use of passionflower in Chinese medicine for insomnia is based on its benefits for the sleep cycle. Although its effects on the central nervous system are not completely understood, it is believed to improve sleep patterns in mice. Passionflower increased slow-wave sleep, decreased rapid eye movement (REM), and extended sleep time. It may also reduce headache, depression, anxiety, and anger, among other conditions. But the effectiveness of passionflower has not yet been proven in clinical trials.
Traditionally, passionflower has been used in Europe and the Americas to treat anxiety, insomnia, and even hysteria. Although it is not a proven cure for insomnia, its use as a sleep aid is not recommended for long-term use. As a herbal remedy, passionflower does not contain any sedative effects. However, it does reduce the symptoms of insomnia and anxiety. Passionflower is a natural herb and can work well when combined with other sleep-promoting herbs such as Motherwort.
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are two of the most popular treatment options for sleep disorders. These traditional Chinese medicine practices focus on all aspects of your health, including your insomnia. As a result, they are effective in treating insomnia. Because the Eastern model of medicine bridges the gap between insomnia and other symptoms, acupuncture and Chinese medicine are an excellent choice for treating sleeplessness. Dr. Chen uses acupuncture to treat insomnia and uses herbal formulas to treat sleep disorders.
Insomnia has several potential causes, including hormonal and energetic imbalances, repressed emotions, and relationship problems. Insomniacs are likely to be tired and tense during the day, and are likely to suffer from headaches and cardiovascular problems. In addition, Chinese medicine for insomnia often treats the underlying problem of chronic stress, which is often the cause of insomnia. Acupuncture aims to alleviate symptoms by restoring a person's energy flow.
SuanZaoRenTang, a sour jujube decoction, has anti-inflammatory effects and can also treat insomnia. It affects the immune system and the HPA axis, which is linked to mood and sleep. It is also believed to combat depression. As a result, Chinese medicinals are an excellent option for treating insomnia and avoiding negative side effects. For more information on herbal treatments for insomnia, visit the Chinese medicine for insomnia website.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines are excellent choices for addressing insomnia. These methods work by balancing the kidney energy, which is linked to the heart, the brain, and the adrenals. They help to calm the spirit and induce a deep sleep. Similarly, Chinese herbal medicine works by relaxing the nervous system and relieving stress. When taken regularly, these remedies can promote a restful sleep. And the best thing about them is that they don't require any prescription.
Suan Zao Ren Tang
If you suffer from insomnia, Chinese medicine may be an option. Unlike Western medicine, Chinese medicine treats the underlying causes of insomnia, starting with the spiritual dimensions of the body. Achieving a healthy spiritual life is important for good sleep and overall health. Acupuncture is one method that many doctors use to treat insomnia. For more information, check out our article on Chinese medicine for insomnia. But don't just take our word for it – check out our review of other forms of medicine that may help.
If Chinese medicine is effective for treating insomnia, it's essential to understand the root cause. While some sleeplessness is caused by overstimulating the body, insomnia can result from an imbalance in the liver, which can exacerbate the condition. Chinese herbalists prescribe herbal formulas to balance the blood, such as Great Tonic and Energy Endurance. Another common insomnia treatment involves drinking tea that is soothing to the digestive system, such as camomile and spearmint.
A sour jujube decoction, called SuanZaoRenTang, is one Chinese medicinal herb that may be effective in treating insomnia. This herb may also affect the immune system by down-regulating cytokine-related pathways. In addition, Chinese medicinals have fewer negative side effects than Western drugs. While Western medicine may be effective for insomnia, this herb can have adverse side effects. Aside from boosting sleep, SuanZaoRenTang has many positive effects.
Chinese herbs are often used in conjunction with acupuncture in Chinese medicine for insomnia. Each herbal formula targets different symptoms and causes. They work by acting on the serotonin receptors and neurotransmitters to help people sleep. A board-certified herbalist should be your first choice when considering Chinese herbal treatment for insomnia. If you are considering acupuncture, check with your physician before making a decision. It's a proven treatment that can replace sleep medications.
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