Exercise can reverse heart ageing
Exercise may reverse the damage done to sedentary, aging heart and help prevent future heart failure, if enough is done and if started in time, according a new study from cardiologists at UT Southwestern (Texas Health Resources).
Researchers wanted to find out if exercise could restore the heart's flexibility in previously sedentary people, especially if it was done in the late middle of the age range. The previous studies by Dr. Levine have shown significant improvements in cardiac compliance in young people after one year of training. However, there was little difference if training was initiated after 65. Find out more about the study.
Running is good for your heart?
Running or any other high-intensity exercise puts a strain upon the heart muscle as well as lung tissue,” stated Neel Chokshi MD, assistant professor of Clinical Cardiovascular Medicine and medical director at Penn Sports Cardiology and Fitness Program. While evidence does suggest an increase in the risk of cardiac events due to high-intensity exercise, it is very unlikely. More research supports running and exercising as a benefit for heart health than it is a disadvantage.
According to the American College of Cardiology's Sports and Exercise Cardiology Leadership Council, “the public media have accepted the idea that exercise can harm the heart and disseminated it.” This paper is available here.
Heart Disease is Reduced by Physical Activity
Sitting for prolonged periods of time and being physically inactive can have a devastating effect on your health. Experts call it “sitting disorder” worldwide. Being active is key to preventing heart disease.
Researchers found that moderate activity can have a positive effect on your health. Researchers found that if you are sedentary, increasing your activity, even a few short walks, can make a significant difference in your health and reduce your risk of developing heart disease. SOURCE American Geriatrics Society
Alternative Medicine Magazine published the article Heart Health Exercise Tips.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Difference Between Naturopathic & Holistic Medicine?
The two main types of medicine are conventional medicine and complementary/alternative medicine. Conventional medicine relies on drugs or surgery for its primary treatments. Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) uses natural therapies such as herbs, vitamins, acupuncture, and massage to treat illness and promote health. CAM is not considered a substitute for conventional treatment but rather an addition to helping patients who want to take control of their healthcare by choosing what they believe is most appropriate.
Naturopathy, on the other hand is used to supplement conventional medical practices. It addresses the whole body and mind as well as the soul. There are many forms and types of naturopathy.
It is important not to forget that some CAM modalities overlap or complement conventional medicine. Both doctors and Naturopaths can prescribe herbal remedies. Naturopaths, however, tend to recommend lifestyle changes rather than prescription medication.
Naturopathy is often called “complementary” because it complements conventional medicine, not supplants it. Naturopaths can prescribe medication when necessary.
There are differences between naturopathic medicine and other CAM modalities:
- Naturopaths are not qualified to prescribe or diagnose medication.
- Naturopaths may work alongside the patient's family doctor and may refer patients to specialists if needed.
- Naturopathic physicians must be licensed by their provinces. CAM practitioners need to be self-regulated.
- Naturopathy focuses on prevention and wellness and offers education about diet, exercise, and nutrition.
- Naturopaths strongly emphasize lifestyle factors, which include nutrition, sleep, stress management, exercise, and mental well-being.
- Naturopharmacists focus on the use of minerals and botanicals to treat certain conditions.
- Naturopodists receive individualized care according to the unique needs of each patient.
- Naturopaths are licensed by regulatory bodies like the College of Naturopathic Physicians of Ontario.
- Provincial regulatory bodies grant licenses to naturopatrists.
- Naturopaticians can be registered with the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.
- The College of Naturopaths of British Columbia licenses Naturotherapists.
- The United States National Board of Medical Examiners licenses Naturobiotic therapists.
- The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency entitles homeopaths.
- The term “holistic” refers the belief that all aspects, including physical, spiritual, social, and mental, should be taken into consideration when making decisions about one’s health. Holistic doctors will examine all aspects of your health, not just one.
What are holistic medicines' advantages over conventional medicine?
Many religions, cultures, and nations have used holistic remedies for thousands upon thousands of years. They were developed using ancient knowledge and experiences.
These medicines are safe, efficient, natural, and inexpensive. Side effects are less common than with prescription drugs.
They also help you achieve better health and wellness.
They can help prevent illness and improve your overall health.
They may even cure diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, etc.
There are many traditional medicines available, with each having its own benefits.
The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the population relies on traditional methods to treat illness or injury.
It has been reported that around half a trillion people rely on traditional herbs for their primary health care.
The global market in complementary therapies is expected to reach $22.2 Billion by 2020.
People are increasingly looking for alternative medical options to avoid any side effects that may be associated with traditional treatments.
Complementary therapies are often used when other options fail to work. These therapies may be tried before they resort to medication or surgery.
There are many reasons that people choose complementary therapy.
- To improve quality of our lives
- To reduce stress levels
- For relaxation
- To ease pain
- To enhance immunity
- Supportive services for dealing with serious diseases
- To boost energy
- To control weight
- To maintain good nutrition
- To improve sleep patterns
- To deal with chronic diseases
Who uses holistic medicine
Holistic medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that treats the whole person, not just specific symptoms. It considers both the mental, and physical aspects.
Holistic medicine also includes chiropractic treatment, acupuncture, nutrition counseling, yoga, and various other complementary therapies.
People who use holistic medicine include those who have been diagnosed with cancer, heart problems, diabetes, arthritis, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, migraines, infertility, menopause, asthma, autism, and many others.
Why would people with cancer choose to use other methods?
Cancer patients are often faced with many challenges when they try to find ways to cope with their illnesses. Many patients feel defeated and hopeless. Patients may experience pain, nausea, fatigue, lack of appetite, loss of strength, etc.
Additionally, most traditional treatments do not work against cancer cells. Many cancer patients turn to complementary medicine for treatment. A majority of cancer patients will use alternative medications at least once during treatment according to research.
Complementary medicine is often chosen by cancer patients over chemotherapy. It's easier to manage side effect. They may also prefer it as it costs less.
Other reasons include the following:
Some patients believe that natural remedies can be used to prevent a repeat.
Many people believe that natural remedies can improve the quality of life.
Others believe that natural remedies may reduce the chance of getting cancer.
People concerned about possible side effects of chemotherapy use natural remedies as first-line therapy.
What is Alternative Medicine?
It's a method of healing that focuses more on prevention than treatment. It encourages consumers to become educated and active in improving their well-being.
Alternative medicine refers any treatment or diagnosis that does not use allopathic (conventional), medical practices.
Complementary and Alternative Healthcare: Is it Evidence-based?
While the evidence base in complementary and alternative medicine remains incomplete, there are many good reasons to choose them. They may have tried conventional treatments but found them ineffective, or they may want to try an alternative therapy because they believe it offers benefits over conventional care. Alternatively, they might seek complementary and alternative medicines as part of a holistic approach to health. Always verify with your doctor that the scientific backing of any complementary or alternative medicines you use is supported. If you aren't sure if a particular treatment is safe or effective, consult your doctor. It will save you time and money over the long-term.
What are examples of alternative medicine?
Alternative medicine is a treatment that does not fit the criteria of mainstream medicine. These include traditional Chinese medicine.
Alternative medicine may also refer to practices not based on scientific evidence but used successfully in clinical practice. You can use meditation, hypnosis and yoga to achieve this.
- The concept of regression toward the mean implies that an extreme result is more likely to be followed by a less extreme result. (en.wikipedia.org)
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (en.wikipedia.org)
- According to a 2005 book by a US [116]Institute of Medicine panel, the number of RCTs focused on CAM has risen dramatically. (en.wikipedia.org)
- A 15-year systematic review published in 2022 on the global acceptance and use of CAM among medical specialists found the overall acceptance of CAM at 52% and the overall use at 45%. (en.wikipedia.org)
- An assessment of conventional treatments found that 41.3% concluded positive or possibly positive effects, 20% concluded no effect, 8.1% concluded net harmful effects, and 21.3% concluded insufficient evidence. (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- The Effect of Foot Reflexology on Hospital Anxiety and Depression in Female Older Adults: a Randomized Controlled Trial – PubMed
- A sociological perspective on the rise and fall of complementary and alternate medicine – PubMed
- PubMed – Holistic medicine
How To
What can a holistic doctor do differently than a traditional doctor?
A holistic doctor provides a wider range of services than a traditional doctor, including a nutritionist, massage therapist, acupuncturist, homeopath, naturopath, etc.
A holistic doctor treats patients holistically. Instead of treating symptoms, they examine the person and their environment. This approach helps them identify underlying causes and work towards long-term wellness and preventative measures. Holistic doctors use natural remedies such as herbs and essential oils alongside conventional medicine to help treat illness. They also provide nutritional support and dietary advice to promote healthy living.
Holistic doctors also offer therapies such as acupuncture and reflexology, reiki or shiatsu, yoga, meditation or craniosacral treatment, as well as hypnotherapy and hypnotherapy.
This blog is a source of general information and discussion on health and related topics. Information and materials on this blog, on the website, or in any of the connected materials are not intended to replace or used as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional, diagnosis, or treatment. This blog does not represent the application of any nursing, medical or other health professional advice or diagnosis. We are unable to diagnose health conditions, offer second opinions or provide specific treatment recommendations via this blog or on our website.
If you or another person is suffering from a medical issue and you are concerned, consult your doctor or seek out other medical professional treatment as soon as possible. Do not disregard medical advice from a professional or delay seeking it due to information you seen on the blog or website or in any of the linked materials. If you're experiencing an emergency medical situation, dial 911 or seek emergency medical assistance on the closest phone immediately.
By: Dick Benson
Title: Heart Health Exercise Tips
Sourced From: alternativemedicine.com/news-item/heart-health-exercise-tips/
Published Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2022 16:19:40 +0000
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Difference Between Naturopathic & Holistic Medicine?
The two main types of medicine are conventional medicine and complementary/alternative medicine. Conventional medicine relies on drugs or surgery for its primary treatments. Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) uses natural therapies such as herbs, vitamins, acupuncture, and massage to treat illness and promote health. CAM is not considered a substitute for conventional treatment but rather an addition to helping patients who want to take control of their healthcare by choosing what they believe is most appropriate.
Naturopathy, on the other hand is used to supplement conventional medical practices. It addresses the whole body and mind as well as the soul. There are many forms and types of naturopathy.
It is important not to forget that some CAM modalities overlap or complement conventional medicine. Both doctors and Naturopaths can prescribe herbal remedies. Naturopaths, however, tend to recommend lifestyle changes rather than prescription medication.
Naturopathy is often called “complementary” because it complements conventional medicine, not supplants it. Naturopaths can prescribe medication when necessary.
There are differences between naturopathic medicine and other CAM modalities:
- Naturopaths are not qualified to prescribe or diagnose medication.
- Naturopaths may work alongside the patient's family doctor and may refer patients to specialists if needed.
- Naturopathic physicians must be licensed by their provinces. CAM practitioners need to be self-regulated.
- Naturopathy focuses on prevention and wellness and offers education about diet, exercise, and nutrition.
- Naturopaths strongly emphasize lifestyle factors, which include nutrition, sleep, stress management, exercise, and mental well-being.
- Naturopharmacists focus on the use of minerals and botanicals to treat certain conditions.
- Naturopodists receive individualized care according to the unique needs of each patient.
- Naturopaths are licensed by regulatory bodies like the College of Naturopathic Physicians of Ontario.
- Provincial regulatory bodies grant licenses to naturopatrists.
- Naturopaticians can be registered with the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.
- The College of Naturopaths of British Columbia licenses Naturotherapists.
- The United States National Board of Medical Examiners licenses Naturobiotic therapists.
- The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency entitles homeopaths.
- The term “holistic” refers the belief that all aspects, including physical, spiritual, social, and mental, should be taken into consideration when making decisions about one’s health. Holistic doctors will examine all aspects of your health, not just one.
What are holistic medicines' advantages over conventional medicine?
Many religions, cultures, and nations have used holistic remedies for thousands upon thousands of years. They were developed using ancient knowledge and experiences.
These medicines are safe, efficient, natural, and inexpensive. Side effects are less common than with prescription drugs.
They also help you achieve better health and wellness.
They can help prevent illness and improve your overall health.
They may even cure diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, etc.
There are many traditional medicines available, with each having its own benefits.
The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the population relies on traditional methods to treat illness or injury.
It has been reported that around half a trillion people rely on traditional herbs for their primary health care.
The global market in complementary therapies is expected to reach $22.2 Billion by 2020.
People are increasingly looking for alternative medical options to avoid any side effects that may be associated with traditional treatments.
Complementary therapies are often used when other options fail to work. These therapies may be tried before they resort to medication or surgery.
There are many reasons that people choose complementary therapy.
- To improve quality of our lives
- To reduce stress levels
- For relaxation
- To ease pain
- To enhance immunity
- Supportive services for dealing with serious diseases
- To boost energy
- To control weight
- To maintain good nutrition
- To improve sleep patterns
- To deal with chronic diseases
Who uses holistic medicine
Holistic medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that treats the whole person, not just specific symptoms. It considers both the mental, and physical aspects.
Holistic medicine also includes chiropractic treatment, acupuncture, nutrition counseling, yoga, and various other complementary therapies.
People who use holistic medicine include those who have been diagnosed with cancer, heart problems, diabetes, arthritis, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, migraines, infertility, menopause, asthma, autism, and many others.
Why would people with cancer choose to use other methods?
Cancer patients are often faced with many challenges when they try to find ways to cope with their illnesses. Many patients feel defeated and hopeless. Patients may experience pain, nausea, fatigue, lack of appetite, loss of strength, etc.
Additionally, most traditional treatments do not work against cancer cells. Many cancer patients turn to complementary medicine for treatment. A majority of cancer patients will use alternative medications at least once during treatment according to research.
Complementary medicine is often chosen by cancer patients over chemotherapy. It's easier to manage side effect. They may also prefer it as it costs less.
Other reasons include the following:
Some patients believe that natural remedies can be used to prevent a repeat.
Many people believe that natural remedies can improve the quality of life.
Others believe that natural remedies may reduce the chance of getting cancer.
People concerned about possible side effects of chemotherapy use natural remedies as first-line therapy.
What is Alternative Medicine?
It's a method of healing that focuses more on prevention than treatment. It encourages consumers to become educated and active in improving their well-being.
Alternative medicine refers any treatment or diagnosis that does not use allopathic (conventional), medical practices.
Complementary and Alternative Healthcare: Is it Evidence-based?
While the evidence base in complementary and alternative medicine remains incomplete, there are many good reasons to choose them. They may have tried conventional treatments but found them ineffective, or they may want to try an alternative therapy because they believe it offers benefits over conventional care. Alternatively, they might seek complementary and alternative medicines as part of a holistic approach to health. Always verify with your doctor that the scientific backing of any complementary or alternative medicines you use is supported. If you aren't sure if a particular treatment is safe or effective, consult your doctor. It will save you time and money over the long-term.
What are examples of alternative medicine?
Alternative medicine is a treatment that does not fit the criteria of mainstream medicine. These include traditional Chinese medicine.
Alternative medicine may also refer to practices not based on scientific evidence but used successfully in clinical practice. You can use meditation, hypnosis and yoga to achieve this.
- The concept of regression toward the mean implies that an extreme result is more likely to be followed by a less extreme result. (en.wikipedia.org)
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (en.wikipedia.org)
- According to a 2005 book by a US [116]Institute of Medicine panel, the number of RCTs focused on CAM has risen dramatically. (en.wikipedia.org)
- A 15-year systematic review published in 2022 on the global acceptance and use of CAM among medical specialists found the overall acceptance of CAM at 52% and the overall use at 45%. (en.wikipedia.org)
- An assessment of conventional treatments found that 41.3% concluded positive or possibly positive effects, 20% concluded no effect, 8.1% concluded net harmful effects, and 21.3% concluded insufficient evidence. (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- The Effect of Foot Reflexology on Hospital Anxiety and Depression in Female Older Adults: a Randomized Controlled Trial – PubMed
- A sociological perspective on the rise and fall of complementary and alternate medicine – PubMed
- PubMed – Holistic medicine
How To
What can a holistic doctor do differently than a traditional doctor?
A holistic doctor provides a wider range of services than a traditional doctor, including a nutritionist, massage therapist, acupuncturist, homeopath, naturopath, etc.
A holistic doctor treats patients holistically. Instead of treating symptoms, they examine the person and their environment. This approach helps them identify underlying causes and work towards long-term wellness and preventative measures. Holistic doctors use natural remedies such as herbs and essential oils alongside conventional medicine to help treat illness. They also provide nutritional support and dietary advice to promote healthy living.
Holistic doctors also offer therapies such as acupuncture and reflexology, reiki or shiatsu, yoga, meditation or craniosacral treatment, as well as hypnotherapy and hypnotherapy.
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