Traditional veterinarians have a limited knowledge of holistic treatments for kidney disease dogs, but there are a few things that can help your dog fight off this disease. One of these treatments is a reduced protein diet. This diet will lower BUN and creatinine. Other treatments include Arsenicum album, Bovine colostrum, and cranberry extract.
Reduced protein diet
Dogs with kidney disease are often advised to follow a reduced-protein diet. This diet is similar to that prescribed for people with kidney failure before and after dialysis. It is also recommended for dogs with proteinuria, which is a condition where blood urea nitrogen levels are dangerously high. When blood urea nitrogen levels reach 80 or higher, your pet may be experiencing kidney failure.
The reduced protein diet is safe for dogs with kidney disease, but it may cause some health risks. Low protein diets can lead to cannibalization, which leads to impaired wound healing, impaired immune function, and reduced cellular turnover. In addition, low-protein diets are not very palatable. Moreover, dogs with kidney disease may only eat as much as is necessary to survive, and if the diet is only low in protein, they may eventually stop eating altogether.
Arsenicum album
A holistic treatment for kidney disease in dogs can help to improve the condition of your pet's kidneys. This Chinese herb increases blood flow to the kidneys, which helps the body remove toxins. Studies have shown that this herb can help to return kidney values to normal. Chronic kidney failure is a serious condition and treatment can include several hospital stays and many medications. In severe cases, your dog may need a kidney transplant or dialysis.
Homeopathic remedies can help to improve the condition of your dog's kidneys and reduce vomiting and GI upset. These herbal supplements can also help to maintain normal blood pressure. You can buy these holistic remedies from a local health food store or pet store. Cranberry Juice or cranberry extract can also relieve discomfort during urination.
Bovine colostrum
Bovine colostrum is considered to be an excellent supplement for kidney disease in dogs. It contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other natural components that can help the body return to homeostasis. Moreover, the growth factors that are present in bovine colostrum can help in the healing process of the tissues. As a result, bovine colostrum is often recommended for aging dogs with chronic kidney disease.
Bovine colostrum contains antibodies that can help fight bacteria and viruses. It can also help prevent diarrhea associated with viral and bacterial infections. One study showed that a 100 gram daily dose of bovine colostrum decreased stool frequency by 21% compared to the placebo group. Moreover, cows are also immune to certain strains of bacteria, which means it can act as an effective antibiotic in humans.
Cranberry extract
Cranberry extract is a natural remedy that helps with urinary tract problems in dogs. It contains vitamin C and oxalates, which can help the urinary tract function better. It can also be used as a natural remedy for bladder stones. However, be sure to consult your veterinarian before using this supplement with your dog.
This herbal remedy can help dogs suffering from urinary tract infections (UTIs). It can help prevent UTIs by improving the pH of the dog's urine. It also contains a compound called proanthocyanidins, which prevent E. coli from attaching to the bladder lining. Though there is no definitive proof that cranberries can treat or prevent urinary tract infections, it may be worth a try.
Homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies for kidney disease in dogs are a safe and effective alternative treatment option. When used in conjunction with traditional treatments, homeopathic remedies may help slow the progression of the condition. A holistic veterinarian can recommend the best homeopathic remedies for your dog's condition, based on his or her medical history, temperament, and behavior.
Chinese herbs like Rehmannia 8 have been shown to increase blood flow through the kidneys, which in turn leads to more toxins being removed from the bloodstream. These herbs have also been found to relieve the symptoms of kidney failure, such as chilliness and thirst. Taking Arsenicum album can help reduce these symptoms and ensure that your animal remains comfortable, as these symptoms often accompany kidney failure.
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