Kaiser Permanente is exploring how to incorporate complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) services into the conventional delivery system. One idea is to create an internal referral-based natural medicine clinic. The clinic will be based on the cooperative health clinic model. Its initial clinic operated from February 1, 2001, to September 30, 2001.
The study looked at patients who went to CAM clinics in Kaiser Permanente Colorado between 2007 and 2014. Patients either sought services on their own or received a referral from a doctor. The researchers found that many patients sought CAM services because they wanted to reduce the effects of certain medications. Patients may also be interested in CAM if they've been feeling depressed or anxious.
Choosing treatments
The Kaiser Permanente health program encourages patients to consider alternative treatments, as long as they follow a health-oriented lifestyle. However, Kaiser Permanente does not cover all treatments or services. However, it does provide a list of covered and recommended treatments. If you are considering using alternative treatments, your physician can help you find the right plan for your needs.
Kaiser Permanente offers a variety of complementary and alternative medicine services, such as massage therapy and acupuncture. Members can use their health plan benefits to pay for some of these services, such as the ChooseHealthy discount program. However, if you're interested in these services but don't have insurance, you may have to find another plan.
Regardless of the plan you choose, it is imperative that you understand what is covered by Kaiser Permanente. Not all alternative medicine services are covered by Kaiser, but most of them are. The website of Kaiser Permanente also offers a list of covered treatments and services.
Kaiser Permanente members who have health plans with a “Complementary and Alternative Care” option may be eligible for discounted services from chiropractors and massage therapists. Some health plans offer this coverage, while others do not. Members who meet the eligibility criteria for this care can take advantage of a discount program called ChooseHealthy, which offers discounts on a limited network of participating providers.
This discount program requires Kaiser Permanente members to schedule appointments with providers. Members must present their health plan ID card when using the discount program. However, this discount does not apply to X-rays or laboratory tests. It also does not apply to copayments or coinsurance. The discount program applies only to covered services, so make sure to check with your health plan to find out whether you're eligible for this discount.
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