If you are looking for natural weight gain tips to help you stay on track during the cold winter months, then you've come to the right place. These tips will keep you focused on your goal of achieving your weight loss goals, while also allowing you to enjoy some of the seasonal pleasures. In addition, you'll learn about ways to avoid booze and how to change your eating habits so that you don't put on any more weight.
Avoiding booze
Alcohol is known to have an effect on our weight. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can lead to serious health problems, including heart disease and some cancers. Luckily, there are a number of ways to avoid alcohol for natural weight gain.
The first thing to consider is that alcohol has very few nutrients. Instead, it is packed with calories. Every gram of alcohol has around seven calories, so cutting back on the amount you drink can help you lose weight. Also, alcohol can impede the absorption of important nutrients.
For example, when you drink alcohol, your body will metabolize carbohydrates and fats differently. Carbohydrates are the body's first choice for energy, but alcohol blocks your body from using them. It can also affect your satiety. You'll feel more hungry and more likely to eat unhealthy foods.
Another effect of alcohol is that it can cause your intestines to get stressed. Your digestive system is supposed to break down food into basic macronutrients (such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber) and micronutrients (such as vitamins and minerals). When alcohol is consumed, your digestive system will take longer to process food. That can lead to fewer digestive secretions. And it can also affect your glucagon-like peptide-1, a hormone that inhibits food intake.
To prevent a spike in blood sugar after a drink, drink water or diet soda before and after drinking. This will help to prevent your body from absorbing excess alcohol.
During the holidays, many celebrations involve drinking. Besides being delicious, most of these drinks are high in calories. Taking a few days to refrain from drinking can make a difference in your overall health. Moreover, it can help you to regain balance after the holidays.
If you want to maintain your ideal weight, it's important to pay attention to what you eat. For example, try to eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Pair that with lean protein sources and healthy fats. Foods like almonds, olives, and salmon are excellent choices. In addition, try to avoid processed foods and sweets.
Changing your eating habits
Eating healthy isn't always the easiest thing to do. You might have to get creative with your meals or find ways to make sure you have plenty of options. However, if you can keep up with a regular exercise routine and stay active during the day, you're on the right track to a healthier, leaner you.
The most obvious way to prevent winter weight gain is to keep yourself moving. Not only will this help you feel better, it'll also improve your health. In addition to being fun, exercise can have a variety of benefits, including improving appetite, increasing energy levels and reducing your risk of heart disease and other circulatory diseases.
While it may not be possible to exercise every day, you can make it a point to do at least thirty minutes of activity per day. This will not only help you burn off calories and improve your fitness, it will also lift your mood, thereby preventing snacking, which is one of the main reasons people slink out of the house and eat junk food.
Although a lot of the hype around losing weight has been dampened by the government's recent announcement that it's more expensive to keep your weight off than it is to maintain it, it's still a smart idea to try to shed those extra pounds. One of the best ways to do this is to make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals. By getting your recommended daily allowance, you'll be able to enjoy a healthier, slimmer body without having to revert to fad diets or extreme workout regimens.
Of course, you can't expect to lose a ton of weight in just a few weeks. It takes time and commitment to make these changes. Keeping up with your workout regimen, though, is the best way to stick to your new weight loss goals and avoid the inevitable pitfalls. So, be sure to get your daily dose of sunshine, exercise and healthy eating. As a bonus, it'll keep you happier and more productive throughout the year!
Staying focused on weight management goals
If you're looking to avoid natural weight gain this winter, you'll want to make sure that you're staying focused on your weight management goals. It can be a difficult task to maintain your focus on your health when you're suffering from the “winter blues,” but there are steps you can take to ensure that you're successful.
One way you can stay on track is to set up a support system. There are many different ways to get support, and it is important to find the one that is right for you. Your support system can be a friend or family member, or even a coach or accountability partner. Having a strong support network will make you more likely to succeed, so it is important to explore all your options.
Frequently Asked Questions
Complementary and Alternative Healthcare – Does it have Evidence-Based Basis?
The evidence base supporting complementary and alternate medicine is still developing, but there are many factors that people choose to use these therapies. They may have tried standard treatments but found them ineffective. They may also want to try alternative therapies as they believe they offer better results than conventional care. Alternative and complementary medicine may be an option. This is part of a holistic approach. Patients should always check if any complementary and alternative medicines they use are supported by scientific research. If you're unsure whether a particular treatment is effective, ask your doctor or pharmacist. It could save you money and time in the long run.
What are the benefits of holistic medicine over conventional medicine?
Many cultures and religions around the globe have been using holistic medicine for thousands of year. They were based on ancient wisdom and experience.
These medications are safe, affordable, effective, natural, as well as cost-effective. These side effects are far less severe than those from pharmaceutical drugs.
They also help you achieve better health and wellness.
They can protect you from disease and improve your overall wellbeing.
They might even cure cancer, diabetes or heart disease.
There are hundreds of different traditional medicines worldwide, each with unique benefits.
The World Health Organization has estimated that around 80% rely on traditional methods of treating illness and injury.
A reported half-billion people use traditional herbal remedies to get primary healthcare.
By 2020, the global market for complementary therapy is expected to be worth $22.2 billion.
People are increasingly looking for alternative medical options to avoid any side effects that may be associated with traditional treatments.
People often turn to complementary therapies for treatment when they are not able to respond to conventional treatments. These complementary therapies can also be used before undergoing surgery or medication.
There are many reasons why people choose to use complementary therapies.
- To improve the quality of your life
- To reduce stress levels
- For relaxation
- To relieve pain
- To enhance immunity
- To support you in dealing with serious illness
- To boost energy
- To control weight
- To maintain good nutrition
- To improve sleep patterns
- To deal with chronic diseases
Who uses holistic medicine
Holistic medicine treats the whole person and not only specific symptoms. Holistic medicine focuses on both mental and physical well-being.
Holistic medicine is acupuncture as well massage therapy, chiropractic, nutritional counseling, Yoga, and other complementary therapies.
A holistic approach to medicine includes those with heart problems, cancer, diabetes, arthritis or depression.
What is another name for alternative medicine?
Alternative medicine can be described as any method of healing that is different from traditional medical practice. Although there are many forms of alternative medicine, most are based on the premise that health care should be rooted in natural substances and practices rather than chemical medicines.
Alternative medicine includes acupuncture.
Many alternative doctors claim that their therapies have improved patient satisfaction and reduced side effects. These claims can not be supported scientifically as the evidence supporting alternative medicine has been largely ignored by mainstream medical authorities.
Why is holistic medicine better?
Holistic health care is about treating the whole person, not individual symptoms. This involves looking at the person's feelings, food, lifestyle, stress levels, etc.
Holistic medicine considers all aspects of a patient's life and treats them as a complete package. Although it may sound easy, in practice this is difficult because doctors tend to focus only on the physical aspect of patients.
What is the difference between Naturopathic and Holistic Medicine?
The two main types of medicine are conventional medicine and complementary/alternative medicine. Conventional medicine is based on surgery and drugs as the primary treatment. Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) uses natural therapies such as herbs, vitamins, acupuncture, and massage to treat illness and promote health. CAM is not considered a substitute for conventional treatment but rather an addition to helping patients who want to take control of their healthcare by choosing what they believe is most appropriate.
Naturopathy, on the other hand is used to supplement conventional medical practices. The whole person, mind and spirit are treated by naturopathy. There are many forms and types of naturopathy.
It is important that you note that some CAM modalities may overlap with traditional medicine. Both doctors and Naturopaths can prescribe herbal remedies. But, naturopaths are more concerned with lifestyle changes than prescribing medications.
Naturopathy can be called “complementary” when it is used in combination with conventional medicine. Naturopaths could prescribe medication, if needed.
There are differences between naturopathic medicine and other CAM modalities:
- Naturopaths don't usually prescribe medication.
- Naturopaths may work alongside the patient's family doctor and may refer patients to specialists if needed.
- Naturopathic doctors are licensed by the provincial licensing boards. CAM practitioners, however, are self-regulated.
- Naturopathy emphasizes prevention, wellness, and education about diet & exercise.
- Naturopaths place a strong emphasis on lifestyle factors. These include nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, nutrition, and mental well being.
- Naturopharmacists focus on the use of minerals and botanicals to treat certain conditions.
- Naturopodists are trained to provide individualized care based on each patient's unique needs.
- The College of Naturopathic Physicians of Ontario issues licenses for Naturopaths.
- The provincial regulatory bodies issue licenses to naturopatrists.
- Naturopaticians can be registered with the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.
- The College of Naturopaths of British Columbia issues licenses to Naturotherapists.
- The United States National Board of Medical Examiners accredits Naturobiotic therapists.
- The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency entitles homeopaths.
- The concept of “holistic” is a belief that all aspects – spiritual, emotional, and social – should be considered when making decisions regarding one's health. Holistic doctors will not focus on just one aspect of the equation but consider all elements.
Who uses alternative medicine
Alternative medicine can be used for many reasons.
- They seek to avoid dangerous drugs and surgeries.
- They believe that natural remedies work better.
- They prefer non-invasive therapies.
- They want to spend less.
- They feel more at ease using natural products
- They want more control over their own healthcare decisions.
- They want to be responsible for their health.
- They desire a better environment.
- They want less stress in their lives.
- They want more freedom when it comes to choosing their doctors or their healthcare plans.
- They want their children to have a better education.
- They desire healthy food for their families and themselves.
- They seek safe, effective medicines.
- In the 17% in which they disagreed, a third reader agreed with one of the initial readers to set a rating. (en.wikipedia.org)
- According to a 2005 book by a US [116]Institute of Medicine panel, the number of RCTs focused on CAM has risen dramatically. (en.wikipedia.org)
- A 15-year systematic review published in 2022 on the global acceptance and use of CAM among medical specialists found the overall acceptance of CAM at 52% and the overall use at 45%. (en.wikipedia.org)
- The concept of regression toward the mean implies that an extreme result is more likely to be followed by a less extreme result. (en.wikipedia.org)
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- A sociological perspective on the rise and fall of complementary and alternate medicine – PubMed
- PubMed – Holistic medicine
- Games for Health Journal – Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers
- The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials on Acupuncture to Treat Insomnia
How To
How to get a job in Holistic Medicine
The field of holistic medicine is growing at an unprecedented rate. You can choose to pursue this career in many ways. However, returning to school is probably the best way to do it if you want to commit to this profession.
A number of schools offer holistic medicine programs. These include the National College for Complementary Medicines. They offer both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. They also have several programs designed specifically for medical professionals who wish to enter the field.
Many online universities also offer holistic health classes. The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) is an example of such a program. The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) provides holistic education resources and tools for students.
Another option is to attend a traditional four year college. Many colleges offer holistic health courses. A Bachelor's Degree is offered by the University of California in Holistic Health Sciences.
If you plan on pursuing a career in holistic medicine, you should consider taking a course in nutrition. NCCM recommends that all students take nutrition courses before embarking on professional training. According to them, integrative medicine practitioners need to have a solid understanding of nutrition science.
Because holistic medicine addresses the whole person rather that just treating symptoms, it requires more skills and knowledge than conventional medicine. Because of this, those interested in holistic medicine need to understand how to evaluate different types of illness from a nutritional perspective.
According to the NCCM nutritionists often work alongside doctors to give dietary advice to their patients. Some may even recommend diets or supplements that are specific to the patient's needs based on their assessment.
As a result, holistic practitioners must have a firm grasp of basic nutrition principles. This includes understanding what foods are healthy and which ones are not. It is also about identifying nutrient deficiencies as well as other problems that may cause them.
It is important to know that holistic practitioners may not be experts in nutrition. Some are primarily focused on herbal treatments while others rely solely upon acupuncture. Still, others combine these two approaches into one treatment method.
However, most holistic practitioners recommend a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. They also emphasize eating plenty of fish and seafood. They suggest avoiding processed foods and fast food restaurants. Instead, they urge people to eat organic whenever possible.
Holistic practitioners agree that a healthy diet can prevent illness. There are however some things they disagree on. They disagree with the belief that gluten causes celiac. Rather, they think that a lack of nutrients plays a role in triggering the disorder.
However, they are all in agreement that allergic reactions can occur with certain foods. For example, they say that shellfish and peanuts cause anaphylaxis. They also caution against excessive caffeine intake.
Many holistic practitioners will use herbs to treat different illnesses. However, they do not recommend using drugs. Because such drugs are not effective in solving the problem but only mask it, holistic practitioners avoid using them. As a result, they prefer to rely on natural remedies when possible.
Holistic practitioners are not only able to offer alternative therapies but also employ many complementary methods. These include:
- Acupuncture – In Chinese medicine, this involves strategically inserting needles under the skin. It is believed that this stimulates our body's healing ability.
- Herbal therapy: Holistic practitioners may use herbs to treat various conditions in addition to acupuncture. Ginseng is an example of a common herb that is used for this purpose.
- Homeopathy – Another type of traditional Chinese medicine is homeopathy. It's based on similar cures. Imagine that you have a similar symptom to someone who has the same ailment. In this case, you will need to search for a remedy which contains the same ingredients as the original substance.
- Massage therapy – Many holistic practitioners offer massage therapies to promote relaxation. It is also claimed to improve blood circulation, increase energy levels, and reduce muscle tension.
You should make sure that the practitioner you choose meets your needs. You should look for a nutritionist if you need someone who specializes in nutritional counseling. If you are interested in learning more about acupuncture and the American Association of Oriental Medicine, (AAOM), certification is available.
Ask your doctor if you have questions about holistic health care before making any decision. You may also wish to check with your insurance provider to know what services are covered.
This blog is a source of general information and discussion on health and related topics. Information and materials on this blog, on the website, or in any of the connected materials are not intended to replace or used as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional, diagnosis, or treatment. This blog does not represent the application of any nursing, medical or other health professional advice or diagnosis. We are unable to diagnose health conditions, offer second opinions or provide specific treatment recommendations via this blog or on our website.
If you or another person is suffering from a medical issue and you are concerned, consult your doctor or seek out other medical professional treatment as soon as possible. Do not disregard medical advice from a professional or delay seeking it due to information you seen on the blog or website or in any of the linked materials. If you're experiencing an emergency medical situation, dial 911 or seek emergency medical assistance on the closest phone immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions
Complementary and Alternative Healthcare – Does it have Evidence-Based Basis?
The evidence base supporting complementary and alternate medicine is still developing, but there are many factors that people choose to use these therapies. They may have tried standard treatments but found them ineffective. They may also want to try alternative therapies as they believe they offer better results than conventional care. Alternative and complementary medicine may be an option. This is part of a holistic approach. Patients should always check if any complementary and alternative medicines they use are supported by scientific research. If you're unsure whether a particular treatment is effective, ask your doctor or pharmacist. It could save you money and time in the long run.
What are the benefits of holistic medicine over conventional medicine?
Many cultures and religions around the globe have been using holistic medicine for thousands of year. They were based on ancient wisdom and experience.
These medications are safe, affordable, effective, natural, as well as cost-effective. These side effects are far less severe than those from pharmaceutical drugs.
They also help you achieve better health and wellness.
They can protect you from disease and improve your overall wellbeing.
They might even cure cancer, diabetes or heart disease.
There are hundreds of different traditional medicines worldwide, each with unique benefits.
The World Health Organization has estimated that around 80% rely on traditional methods of treating illness and injury.
A reported half-billion people use traditional herbal remedies to get primary healthcare.
By 2020, the global market for complementary therapy is expected to be worth $22.2 billion.
People are increasingly looking for alternative medical options to avoid any side effects that may be associated with traditional treatments.
People often turn to complementary therapies for treatment when they are not able to respond to conventional treatments. These complementary therapies can also be used before undergoing surgery or medication.
There are many reasons why people choose to use complementary therapies.
- To improve the quality of your life
- To reduce stress levels
- For relaxation
- To relieve pain
- To enhance immunity
- To support you in dealing with serious illness
- To boost energy
- To control weight
- To maintain good nutrition
- To improve sleep patterns
- To deal with chronic diseases
Who uses holistic medicine
Holistic medicine treats the whole person and not only specific symptoms. Holistic medicine focuses on both mental and physical well-being.
Holistic medicine is acupuncture as well massage therapy, chiropractic, nutritional counseling, Yoga, and other complementary therapies.
A holistic approach to medicine includes those with heart problems, cancer, diabetes, arthritis or depression.
What is another name for alternative medicine?
Alternative medicine can be described as any method of healing that is different from traditional medical practice. Although there are many forms of alternative medicine, most are based on the premise that health care should be rooted in natural substances and practices rather than chemical medicines.
Alternative medicine includes acupuncture.
Many alternative doctors claim that their therapies have improved patient satisfaction and reduced side effects. These claims can not be supported scientifically as the evidence supporting alternative medicine has been largely ignored by mainstream medical authorities.
Why is holistic medicine better?
Holistic health care is about treating the whole person, not individual symptoms. This involves looking at the person's feelings, food, lifestyle, stress levels, etc.
Holistic medicine considers all aspects of a patient's life and treats them as a complete package. Although it may sound easy, in practice this is difficult because doctors tend to focus only on the physical aspect of patients.
What is the difference between Naturopathic and Holistic Medicine?
The two main types of medicine are conventional medicine and complementary/alternative medicine. Conventional medicine is based on surgery and drugs as the primary treatment. Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) uses natural therapies such as herbs, vitamins, acupuncture, and massage to treat illness and promote health. CAM is not considered a substitute for conventional treatment but rather an addition to helping patients who want to take control of their healthcare by choosing what they believe is most appropriate.
Naturopathy, on the other hand is used to supplement conventional medical practices. The whole person, mind and spirit are treated by naturopathy. There are many forms and types of naturopathy.
It is important that you note that some CAM modalities may overlap with traditional medicine. Both doctors and Naturopaths can prescribe herbal remedies. But, naturopaths are more concerned with lifestyle changes than prescribing medications.
Naturopathy can be called “complementary” when it is used in combination with conventional medicine. Naturopaths could prescribe medication, if needed.
There are differences between naturopathic medicine and other CAM modalities:
- Naturopaths don't usually prescribe medication.
- Naturopaths may work alongside the patient's family doctor and may refer patients to specialists if needed.
- Naturopathic doctors are licensed by the provincial licensing boards. CAM practitioners, however, are self-regulated.
- Naturopathy emphasizes prevention, wellness, and education about diet & exercise.
- Naturopaths place a strong emphasis on lifestyle factors. These include nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, nutrition, and mental well being.
- Naturopharmacists focus on the use of minerals and botanicals to treat certain conditions.
- Naturopodists are trained to provide individualized care based on each patient's unique needs.
- The College of Naturopathic Physicians of Ontario issues licenses for Naturopaths.
- The provincial regulatory bodies issue licenses to naturopatrists.
- Naturopaticians can be registered with the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.
- The College of Naturopaths of British Columbia issues licenses to Naturotherapists.
- The United States National Board of Medical Examiners accredits Naturobiotic therapists.
- The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency entitles homeopaths.
- The concept of “holistic” is a belief that all aspects – spiritual, emotional, and social – should be considered when making decisions regarding one's health. Holistic doctors will not focus on just one aspect of the equation but consider all elements.
Who uses alternative medicine
Alternative medicine can be used for many reasons.
- They seek to avoid dangerous drugs and surgeries.
- They believe that natural remedies work better.
- They prefer non-invasive therapies.
- They want to spend less.
- They feel more at ease using natural products
- They want more control over their own healthcare decisions.
- They want to be responsible for their health.
- They desire a better environment.
- They want less stress in their lives.
- They want more freedom when it comes to choosing their doctors or their healthcare plans.
- They want their children to have a better education.
- They desire healthy food for their families and themselves.
- They seek safe, effective medicines.
- In the 17% in which they disagreed, a third reader agreed with one of the initial readers to set a rating. (en.wikipedia.org)
- According to a 2005 book by a US [116]Institute of Medicine panel, the number of RCTs focused on CAM has risen dramatically. (en.wikipedia.org)
- A 15-year systematic review published in 2022 on the global acceptance and use of CAM among medical specialists found the overall acceptance of CAM at 52% and the overall use at 45%. (en.wikipedia.org)
- The concept of regression toward the mean implies that an extreme result is more likely to be followed by a less extreme result. (en.wikipedia.org)
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- A sociological perspective on the rise and fall of complementary and alternate medicine – PubMed
- PubMed – Holistic medicine
- Games for Health Journal – Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers
- The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials on Acupuncture to Treat Insomnia
How To
How to get a job in Holistic Medicine
The field of holistic medicine is growing at an unprecedented rate. You can choose to pursue this career in many ways. However, returning to school is probably the best way to do it if you want to commit to this profession.
A number of schools offer holistic medicine programs. These include the National College for Complementary Medicines. They offer both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. They also have several programs designed specifically for medical professionals who wish to enter the field.
Many online universities also offer holistic health classes. The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) is an example of such a program. The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) provides holistic education resources and tools for students.
Another option is to attend a traditional four year college. Many colleges offer holistic health courses. A Bachelor's Degree is offered by the University of California in Holistic Health Sciences.
If you plan on pursuing a career in holistic medicine, you should consider taking a course in nutrition. NCCM recommends that all students take nutrition courses before embarking on professional training. According to them, integrative medicine practitioners need to have a solid understanding of nutrition science.
Because holistic medicine addresses the whole person rather that just treating symptoms, it requires more skills and knowledge than conventional medicine. Because of this, those interested in holistic medicine need to understand how to evaluate different types of illness from a nutritional perspective.
According to the NCCM nutritionists often work alongside doctors to give dietary advice to their patients. Some may even recommend diets or supplements that are specific to the patient's needs based on their assessment.
As a result, holistic practitioners must have a firm grasp of basic nutrition principles. This includes understanding what foods are healthy and which ones are not. It is also about identifying nutrient deficiencies as well as other problems that may cause them.
It is important to know that holistic practitioners may not be experts in nutrition. Some are primarily focused on herbal treatments while others rely solely upon acupuncture. Still, others combine these two approaches into one treatment method.
However, most holistic practitioners recommend a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. They also emphasize eating plenty of fish and seafood. They suggest avoiding processed foods and fast food restaurants. Instead, they urge people to eat organic whenever possible.
Holistic practitioners agree that a healthy diet can prevent illness. There are however some things they disagree on. They disagree with the belief that gluten causes celiac. Rather, they think that a lack of nutrients plays a role in triggering the disorder.
However, they are all in agreement that allergic reactions can occur with certain foods. For example, they say that shellfish and peanuts cause anaphylaxis. They also caution against excessive caffeine intake.
Many holistic practitioners will use herbs to treat different illnesses. However, they do not recommend using drugs. Because such drugs are not effective in solving the problem but only mask it, holistic practitioners avoid using them. As a result, they prefer to rely on natural remedies when possible.
Holistic practitioners are not only able to offer alternative therapies but also employ many complementary methods. These include:
- Acupuncture – In Chinese medicine, this involves strategically inserting needles under the skin. It is believed that this stimulates our body's healing ability.
- Herbal therapy: Holistic practitioners may use herbs to treat various conditions in addition to acupuncture. Ginseng is an example of a common herb that is used for this purpose.
- Homeopathy – Another type of traditional Chinese medicine is homeopathy. It's based on similar cures. Imagine that you have a similar symptom to someone who has the same ailment. In this case, you will need to search for a remedy which contains the same ingredients as the original substance.
- Massage therapy – Many holistic practitioners offer massage therapies to promote relaxation. It is also claimed to improve blood circulation, increase energy levels, and reduce muscle tension.
You should make sure that the practitioner you choose meets your needs. You should look for a nutritionist if you need someone who specializes in nutritional counseling. If you are interested in learning more about acupuncture and the American Association of Oriental Medicine, (AAOM), certification is available.
Ask your doctor if you have questions about holistic health care before making any decision. You may also wish to check with your insurance provider to know what services are covered.
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