The motor driving healthcare is pathology. The field could become more efficient and scalable with digital technologies. Digital technologies could make pathology more data-driven and creative, while also allowing patients to get diagnoses quicker and more accurately. Let's look at the digital future for pathology!
Over 150 years, the foundation of medicine, pathology has remained essentially unchanged.
The foundation of medicine is based on pathologists' diagnoses. However, the field hasn't seen significant changes in the past 150 years. Thomas Fuchs, Director at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and Founder of Paige.AI said that machine learning algorithms are being used to digitize pathology at the NVIDIA GPUTech Conference a few year ago.
He said that approximately 90 percent of work on different stains is still being done using methods doctors developed more than 100 years ago.
While there have been significant advances in this area, more information will be available later. However, the field remains tediously manual-labor intensive. Analyzing stains can be subjective and time-consuming. Pathologists must examine 48 slides in order to perform a prostate biopsy. The results can also be affected by the specialty and the personal judgement of the pathologist, which can lower the accuracy.
Pathologists do a lot of work and spend a lot of time looking for case information, old slides and images in hospitals' archives. Retrospective data can be used in pathology, but Fuchs said that even slides from the 1930s are still usable. This amazing resource can't be used efficiently enough. You have to manually look up tumor slides from decades ago. It is difficult to hear of such things in the 21st Century, with digital assistants scheduling appointments at hair salons and restaurants.
The rarest asset in the medical field is the pathologist
It's not surprising that pathologists are “limited resources” in the world, with their numbers expected to decline worldwide. One study suggests that the number of pathologists will drop by 30% by 2030 compared to 2010. Some parts of the world are experiencing a shortage of pathologists.
These facts are highlighted in the poster below. This poster, which was created by Andrey Bichkov MD, PhD, is based on 2021 data and presents the global disparities at a glance. The Medical Futurist was informed by him that the work is not over and that an updated version (ramified numbers + additional countries) will be available in the next few weeks. Keep an eye on his page to see the most recent data.
Even in “green” countries, the situation is not good. According to the College of American Pathologists, there is a “perceived shortage”. The College of American Pathologists reports that the number of practicing pathologists in the United States will continue to rise, much faster than the replacement rate. Pathologists are being forced to take on more cases at the same time. As you can see, the US is much healthier than many other countries.
What could digital technology do to change the status quo
Digitalization of pathology labs improves the efficiency of the specialty, makes specimens more reproducible, reduces the workload of pathologists, and makes their work easier. Digital whole-slide imagery (WSI), which allows for the visualisation and capture of all tissue on a slide instead of the narrow field of view provided by a microscope, is possible. This could improve pathology's accuracy and subjectivity.
Doctors could save a lot of time by using digitized slides. It is common for various tissues to be delivered within a hospital from the lab to the surgeon, and back to the pathologist. It is safer and quicker to send a digital slide. It allows for computerised quantitative analysis, faster image searches, and slide retrieval in old cases. It lowers barriers between hospitals and regions and allows for referrals and consultations.
The shortage of pathologists around the world could be alleviated. Imagine how many hospitals could be helped by digitised pathology laboratories. They could easily share their slides and access all the information on the cloud. We are not examining the feasibility, privacy, or accessibility of such an experiment. Those are different topics.
AI is now available in pathology labs
The past few years have seen some major breakthroughs. These are covered in detail in this article.
September 2021 was the first significant milestone. This was the date that Paige Prostate, an AI-based solution for diagnosing prostate cancer, received FDA clearance. Within a year, the Paige Breast Lymph Node Detection CE mark was added.
The announcement was quickly followed by many more. Ibex's collaboration was with Roche, the Galen platform was launched in Swiss clinics and the CE mark given to the company's AI solution for diagnosing gastric cancer. Proscia enters an extended partnership agreement with Siemens Healthineers, allowing them to enter the digital pathology segment.
Google's Verily has teamed up to Lumea. The goal of the collaboration is to improve the diagnosis and prognosis for prostate cancer. Roche and Bristol Myers Squibb collaborated to develop two new digital pathology algorithms. PreciseDx is a Mount Sinai Health System spinoff that has developed an artificial intelligence-enabled, digital pathology technology to detect Parkinson’s disease.
Pranama was selected by the Mayo Clinic as its archival scanning partner to digitize 5,000,000 clinical pathology slides.
First of all, AI could make the field stronger, more productive, and it could really propel the field from a qualitative to quantitative area,” stated Fuchs in an interview for The Medical Futurist.
Let's look at the many new technologies that could help pathology in its bright future.
1 Digitised workflow – from electronic microscopes and the cloud
Pathology laboratories are responsible for using blood, fluid, or tissue to provide timely, accurate and relevant information that can be used to diagnose and guide treatment. The whole slide imaging process begins after the macroscopic examination of the masses in the digital pathology laboratory. After the slices have been prepared, the electronic microscope digitalizes the samples to allow for further analysis using various scanning solutions. There are many digital products that can be used to migrate the entire workflow of pathologists, from the manual to digital. To make life easier in the labs, whole-slide imaging solutions such as the Nanozoomer and scanners, software storage systems, cloud computing, and communication systems all work together.
This will make it much easier to send slides and data for consultation. Virtual pathology services will be available at remote locations and facilitate discussions and second opinions. Even though we will always have someone viewing tissues through an electronic microscope, the interpretative reporting will take place in front of pulsating screen rather than near microscopes.
The digitized workflow has its limitations, which must be addressed in order to ensure a smooth operation. Pathology images are very detailed and require high quality images. Files can be large in size. It is difficult to store large datasets and transport them through different computer systems.
2 Deep Learning for Automation
Digitalization of pathology resources opens up the possibility of utilizing the enormous potential of artificial intelligence. Digitisation is the first step. Fuchs claims that Memorial Sloan Kettering has been digitizing slides for over a decade. This study shows that the average speed is 140,000 slides per monthly. The inventory includes 3.6 million images, and is growing.
Dataset size is important. He said that no one would want to use algorithms on small data sets. That would be like driving your self-driving vehicle in a parking lot.” However, once the data sets have been sufficiently large, deep learning algorithms can be used by pathologists like they have a bonus.
These systems could be used to classify digitised slides in pathology, similar to radiology. These image recognition systems can identify slides with cancerous or precancerous cells and group them in the same way Facebook recognizes faces.
The process allows pathologists to focus more on cases that require more attention, and to leave aside slides with benign tumors. This will allow them to spend more time on cases that require their attention, and may also help solve the global shortage of pathologists.
3: AI for better augmentation and prognosis
Pathologists have many methods for augmenting tissue and samples in order to identify abnormal mutations. Molecular tests, for example, have been used for years to illuminate proteins. In the future, deep learning algorithms will be able do similar things with digital images. Artificial intelligence could detect linkages that are invisible to the human eye.
An example of augmentation is the integration of computer-quantified histology data on a slide with data taken from other sources such as DNA sequencing. This allows pathologists to draw more precise and confident conclusions. An additional use of augmentation is the counting and differentiation of cell types in order to assist with the staging of cancerous tumors.
These algorithms also allow for more prognosis or predictions. This is the greatest benefit of deep learning algorithms. Fuchs claims that an AI algorithm can tell you if you have a three cent H&E slide in the future. This could allow the specialist to sequence the exact information and create a targeted treatment plan for the patient.
Algorithms can be a tremendous help in diagnosing a patient. Study results showed that combining deep learning systems' predictions with human pathologists' diagnoses of metastatic breast cancer led to an 85 percent decrease in human error rates. This is amazing!
4) Precision medicine using biotechnology
Future pathology departments will have more options for point-of-care testing (PoCT), thanks to digital technologies. Similar to portable diagnostic devices that make it possible to diagnose patients anywhere, these tools allow the quick examination of tissues, fluids, and other samples at the time the consultation is held. This will facilitate rapid clinical decision making regarding patient management. The PoCT category includes various blood glucose meters, pregnancy tests, and urine test strips. However, their range is likely to expand in the future.
Some start-ups have already raised the stakes. Oxford Nanopore Technologies, a UK-based start up, offers real-time out-of-the lab DNA and RNA sequencing using their MinION device. Researchers were able to perform offline DNA sequencing on Antarctica with a handheld device. Mind-blowing, isn't it?
The future will bring more accurate diagnosis and a revolution in how we define many diseases. It will provide valuable information about how patients react to treatment and the prognosis. The pathologist will interpret the results and determine which molecules should be evaluated.
5) Radiology and pathology
These two fields share many similarities. Both are essential for diagnosing patients and both provide qualitative science that is based on medical experts' opinions. There are common characteristics in the way they are digitalized. Radiologists and pathologists both view anatomies using imaging devices, although one is at the cellular level while the other at the organ level. Both fields are also changing faster due to rapid advances in digital imaging methods over the past few years.
Fuchs stated that pathology will change fundamentally in 10 years. However, he doesn't believe that AI-taking jobs fears in pathology resonate in the same way as radiology. Fuchs believes radiology, dermoscopy and other disciplines may be more afraid because they are screening steps. But, once you see something in radiology, dermoscopy or other disciplines, you need to examine the pathology. This is the truth. Everything is based upon that diagnosis. The human will always be looking at the microscope. It doesn't matter if there's an AI or another technology that works with it.
Pathology is moving towards the cosmos
All the factors mentioned above will change the specialty, but Fuchs believes that it will be more exciting than ever for pathologists. Fuchs agrees with the Medical Futurist. Pathology could be a new branch of medical science if imaging techniques are strong enough to examine individual cells. Traditional pathology could be rewritten to focus on individual cells and not the whole organism. Radiology and pathology may merge at this point. However, one must be familiar with both.
This transformation will be beneficial for both patients and physicians. Patients and medical professionals will be able to save more lives with better tools. It's somewhat like cosmology in that it is a form of pathology. Astronomers will discover more about exoplanets if they use better telescopes.
Our newest e-book explains more about the future technological possibilities of medical specialties.
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The Medical Futurist published The Digital Future Of Pathology first.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the strengths of holistic medicine compared to conventional medicine?
Many cultures and religions around the globe have been using holistic medicine for thousands of year. They were based upon ancient knowledge and experienced.
These medicines are safe, efficient, natural, and inexpensive. Side effects of these medicines are very low compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
They also help you achieve better health and wellness.
They can reduce the risk of disease and increase your overall well-being.
They may even cure diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, etc.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of traditional medicines all over the world. Each one has its own unique benefits.
The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the population relies on traditional methods to treat illness or injury.
It has been reported that around half a trillion people rely on traditional herbs for their primary health care.
Global market for complementary therapies will reach $22.2 billion in 2020, according to estimates.
Alternative medical treatments are becoming more popular to avoid the side effects of conventional treatment.
People often turn to complementary therapies for treatment when they are not able to respond to conventional treatments. They may also try them before resorting to surgery or medication.
There are several reasons why people choose complementary therapies:
- To improve quality of life
- To reduce stress levels
- For relaxation
- To relieve pain
- To enhance immunity
- To support you in dealing with serious illness
- To boost energy
- To control weight
- To maintain good nutrition
- To improve sleep patterns
- To treat chronic conditions
What is the difference between holistic medicine and traditional medicine?
Traditional medicine focuses on treating symptoms, while holistic medicine treats the whole person. Holistic medicine considers the patient as an entire person, rather than focusing on one aspect.
Traditional medicine treats only a few organs or system (such as the mind), while holistic medicine addresses all aspects of the human body. It also looks at how lifestyle choices affect overall wellness.
What are the 5 domains in integrative medicine?
Integrative medicine covers five areas: mind-body and nutrition; lifestyle; social determinants; lifestyle; and prevention. These five areas cover all aspects of health care including spiritual, physical, and environmental well being.
Integrative medicine provides a comprehensive approach to the treatment of disease, health, and well-being. It can include conventional medical treatments, as well as complementary therapies, such as acupuncture or yoga, meditation, massage therapy and herbal medicine.
What treatments are not included in holistic medicine?
Holistic medicine is a way to heal that examines the whole person instead of just the symptoms. It aids in the recovery of illness by promoting good health and preventing future ones.
Holistic medicine uses natural remedies such as herbs, homeopathy, and acupuncture instead of drugs and surgery.
Holistic medicine is a lifestyle change that includes exercise, diet, yoga, meditation, breathing exercises and massage.
Holistic medicine can also be called integrative medicine. It integrates all aspects that a patient needs to achieve a comprehensive care plan.
Holistic medicine emphasizes prevention, early detection and healthy living.
Holistic doctors believe there is no one cause for every condition. They look at the whole picture and consider genetic, environmental, lifestyle, and personal factors.
Holistic practitioners focus more on the mind, emotions, and spirit than on the body alone.
Holistic physicians work closely with their patients to determine what will best meet their individual needs.
What's the Difference Between Naturopathic Medicine & Holistic Medicine.
The two main types of medicine are conventional medicine and complementary/alternative medicine. Conventional medicine is based on drugs and surgery. Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) uses natural therapies such as herbs, vitamins, acupuncture, and massage to treat illness and promote health. CAM is not considered a substitute for conventional treatment but rather an addition to helping patients who want to take control of their healthcare by choosing what they believe is most appropriate.
Naturopathy, on other hand, is used as a complement to conventional medical treatments. It addresses the whole body and mind as well as the soul. There are many kinds of naturopathy.
It is important that you note that some CAM modalities may overlap with traditional medicine. Both doctors and Naturopaths can prescribe herbal remedies. But, naturopaths are more concerned with lifestyle changes than prescribing medications.
Naturopathy is sometimes called “complementary” since it complements traditional medicine and does not replace it. Naturopaths may prescribe medication as needed.
There are differences between naturopathic medicine and other CAM modalities:
- Naturopaths do not usually prescribe medication or diagnose illnesses.
- Naturopaths can refer patients to specialists and work with their family physician.
- Naturopathic physicians are licensed by their respective provinces, while CAM practitioners are selfregulated.
- Naturopathy stresses prevention and wellness, while offering education on diet and exercise.
- Naturopaths emphasize the importance of lifestyle factors such as nutrition, sleep, stress management and exercise.
- Naturopharmacists specialize on the treatment of certain conditions with botanicals or minerals.
- Naturopodists are skilled in providing personalized care that meets the needs of each patient.
- Naturopaths are licensed by regulatory bodies like the College of Naturopathic Physicians of Ontario.
- Provincial regulatory bodies grant licenses to naturopatrists.
- Naturopaticians are registered with the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.
- The College of Naturopaths of British Columbia has licensed Naturotherapists.
- Naturobiotic therapists are licensed by the United States National Board of Medical Examiners.
- The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency licenses homeopaths.
- The concept of “holistic” is a belief that all aspects – spiritual, emotional, and social – should be considered when making decisions regarding one's health. Holistic doctors will not focus on just one aspect of the equation but consider all elements.
Complementary and Alternative Healthcare – Are they Evidence-based?
The evidence base for complementary and alternative medicine is still evolving, but there are many reasons why people choose these therapies. They might have tried other treatments, but they were ineffective. Or they may prefer to try alternative therapies because they offer more benefits than traditional care. As part of a holistic approach, they might look for complementary and alternate medicines. It is important for patients to verify that any alternative or complementary medicines they are using have been supported by scientific research. Ask your pharmacist or doctor if you have any doubts about whether the treatment is working. It can save you both time and money.
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (
- According to a 2005 book by a US [116]Institute of Medicine panel, the number of RCTs focused on CAM has risen dramatically. (
- These studies found that 38.4% concluded positive or possibly positive effects for CAM (12.4%), 4.8% concluded no effect, 0.7% concluded harmful effects, and 56.6% concluded insufficient evidence. (
- The use of alternative medicine in the US has increased, with a 50 percent increase in expenditures and a 25 percent increase in the use of alternative therapies between 1990 and 1997 in America. (
- An assessment of conventional treatments found that 41.3% concluded positive or possibly positive effects, 20% concluded no effect, 8.1% concluded net harmful effects, and 21.3% concluded insufficient evidence. (
External Links
- A sociological perspective on the rise and fall of complementary and alternate medicine – PubMed
- PubMed – Holistic medicine
- PubMed: Randomized controlled trial examining the effects of foot reflexology on hospital anxiety and depression in female older adults.
How To
What kind of products are used in holistic medicine?
The best way to describe these products would be as “natural” but not necessarily organic. They may have been grown using natural fertilizers and pesticides, but they were also processed in ways that are less harmful to human health. Some herbs can trigger allergic reactions in certain people, so it is important to make sure that they are prepared according to their requirements. The herbs sold in health food stores are more standard than those found at grocery stores. These herbicides and/or fungicides are often higher in the latter.
The majority of herbal products are made from dried plants. Many people prefer to buy herbal supplements in liquid form. This is cheaper. But, liquid herbs are not necessarily safer. Liquid herbs can lose nutrients during processing. The product may lose its original potency. In addition, herbal supplements aren’t tested for quality before being placed on shelves.
Spices and herbs are usually added to foods after they have been cooked. These spices can be found in sauces, condiments, dressings, soup mixes, marinades, and salad dressings.
Supplements are most commonly taken orally, (by mouth). Most vitamins and mineral supplements are available as tablets. Others are available in capsule form.
Homeopathic remedies can be highly dilute substances that are derived from animal, plant, mineral, and synthetic sources. They are meant to stimulate the body's healing mechanisms. They are not considered “homeopathic” but they work in the same way as regular medication. They work on the body's immune systems to restore balance and promote wellbeing. Homeopathic remedies have been proven safe and effective. They are widely used in Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
Acupuncture uses fine needles to insert into specific points along your meridians. This is based on traditional Chinese medical theories that energy channels are the pathways through which life force flows. This theory claims that illness can be caused by blockages within these channels. By stimulating energy flow along the meridian lines, the body is believed to recover its normal functioning.
Chiropractors can manipulate the spine to correct misalignments. American doctor Daniel David Palmer devised this method in 1895. He claimed that he could diagnose illness and cure them by manipulating the vertebrae. His methods included spinal adjustments, muscle tests and percussion.
Chiropractic has grown in popularity over the last few years. Many believe that it works better for back pain than conventional medicine.
Massage therapy uses rubbing, kneading and tapping to massage muscles, joints, as well as other body parts. Massage helps loosen tight muscles, reduce tension, and relax sore muscles. Swedish massage, deep tissues, sports, reflexology, myofascialrelease, trigger point therapy and other methods are used by massage therapists.
Reflexology can be described as alternative medicine. It involves applying pressure to certain areas on the feet and hands with thumb pads or fingers. Reflexologists claim that this method stimulates the body's natural ability to heal.
Aromatherapy uses essential oil extracted from plants to relieve stress and boost mood. Aromatherapy is also beneficial because essential oils can have a positive effect on health conditions, such as headache relief and arthritis treatment. There are many types of aromatherapy, including:
Craniosacral Therapy utilizes gentle touch to help alleviate pain and discomfort. The skull is called Cranial, while the Latin word sacrum refers to the sacrum. Cranial sacral therapy combines both. The therapist uses light pressure to the head, neck, shoulders and arms of the patient while moving her/his fingers across their body.
Cupping therapy involves applying cups to the skin to draw out toxins and create suction. Cupping may also be used in combination with acupuncture (burning herbs), or as a detox method.
Supplements are either oral or topical products that contain vitamins and minerals, herbs extracts, enzymes, probiotics. antioxidants, and other fatty acids. Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act of94 is the FDA's regulation of dietary supplements. To be legally sold, a dietary supplement must meet two requirements. It must be a “dietary component,” which means it contains more than 1% of a vitamin or mineral, herb, or any other botanical listed on Food and Drug Administration's Generally Recognized as Safe List. It must also have adhered to Good Manufacturing Practices. This means that its ingredients were properly handled during production.
Electrotherapy uses electrical currents in order to stimulate nerves or muscles. The most common form of electrotherapy is transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS). TENS devices deliver low-level electric pulses to the skin using electrodes. These pulses activate the brain's pain receptors and block them. You can also use electrotherapy in other ways, such as interferencential current therapy or magnetic field treatment, and even ultrasound therapy.
Energy healing is based on the belief that we all possess innate healing abilities and that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and intentions affect our physical health. Modern practitioners accept that energy healing is possible, even though it has been practiced since ancient times. However, there are many layers to energy. One layer is emotional energy. Another is called mental energy. There are many other energy types, including spiritual, physical, chakras, vital and life force, prana. Kundalini, biofield. aura. quantum fields. Many believe these energies are linked to the whole universe. Some claim to be able to heal others using only the power of their minds. The scientific evidence for energy medicine is still limited.
Energy psychology involves studying how human emotions affect physiological functions and vice versa. It is sometimes considered an alternative to psychotherapy because it focuses less on discussing past events and more on helping clients change present behavior. Energy psychology does require no specific theoretical framework. Instead, it draws upon many disciplines like cognitive behavioral therapy, transactional psychoanalysis, interpersonal psychoanalysis as well as attachment theory and developmental psychology.
This blog is a source of general information and discussion on health and related topics. Information and materials on this blog, on the website, or in any of the connected materials are not intended to replace or used as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional, diagnosis, or treatment. This blog does not represent the application of any nursing, medical or other health professional advice or diagnosis. We are unable to diagnose health conditions, offer second opinions or provide specific treatment recommendations via this blog or on our website.
If you or another person is suffering from a medical issue and you are concerned, consult your doctor or seek out other medical professional treatment as soon as possible. Do not disregard medical advice from a professional or delay seeking it due to information you seen on the blog or website or in any of the linked materials. If you're experiencing an emergency medical situation, dial 911 or seek emergency medical assistance on the closest phone immediately.
By: berci.mesko
Title: The Digital Future Of Pathology
Sourced From:
Published Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2022 09:00:00 +0000
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the strengths of holistic medicine compared to conventional medicine?
Many cultures and religions around the globe have been using holistic medicine for thousands of year. They were based upon ancient knowledge and experienced.
These medicines are safe, efficient, natural, and inexpensive. Side effects of these medicines are very low compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
They also help you achieve better health and wellness.
They can reduce the risk of disease and increase your overall well-being.
They may even cure diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, etc.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of traditional medicines all over the world. Each one has its own unique benefits.
The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the population relies on traditional methods to treat illness or injury.
It has been reported that around half a trillion people rely on traditional herbs for their primary health care.
Global market for complementary therapies will reach $22.2 billion in 2020, according to estimates.
Alternative medical treatments are becoming more popular to avoid the side effects of conventional treatment.
People often turn to complementary therapies for treatment when they are not able to respond to conventional treatments. They may also try them before resorting to surgery or medication.
There are several reasons why people choose complementary therapies:
- To improve quality of life
- To reduce stress levels
- For relaxation
- To relieve pain
- To enhance immunity
- To support you in dealing with serious illness
- To boost energy
- To control weight
- To maintain good nutrition
- To improve sleep patterns
- To treat chronic conditions
What is the difference between holistic medicine and traditional medicine?
Traditional medicine focuses on treating symptoms, while holistic medicine treats the whole person. Holistic medicine considers the patient as an entire person, rather than focusing on one aspect.
Traditional medicine treats only a few organs or system (such as the mind), while holistic medicine addresses all aspects of the human body. It also looks at how lifestyle choices affect overall wellness.
What are the 5 domains in integrative medicine?
Integrative medicine covers five areas: mind-body and nutrition; lifestyle; social determinants; lifestyle; and prevention. These five areas cover all aspects of health care including spiritual, physical, and environmental well being.
Integrative medicine provides a comprehensive approach to the treatment of disease, health, and well-being. It can include conventional medical treatments, as well as complementary therapies, such as acupuncture or yoga, meditation, massage therapy and herbal medicine.
What treatments are not included in holistic medicine?
Holistic medicine is a way to heal that examines the whole person instead of just the symptoms. It aids in the recovery of illness by promoting good health and preventing future ones.
Holistic medicine uses natural remedies such as herbs, homeopathy, and acupuncture instead of drugs and surgery.
Holistic medicine is a lifestyle change that includes exercise, diet, yoga, meditation, breathing exercises and massage.
Holistic medicine can also be called integrative medicine. It integrates all aspects that a patient needs to achieve a comprehensive care plan.
Holistic medicine emphasizes prevention, early detection and healthy living.
Holistic doctors believe there is no one cause for every condition. They look at the whole picture and consider genetic, environmental, lifestyle, and personal factors.
Holistic practitioners focus more on the mind, emotions, and spirit than on the body alone.
Holistic physicians work closely with their patients to determine what will best meet their individual needs.
What's the Difference Between Naturopathic Medicine & Holistic Medicine.
The two main types of medicine are conventional medicine and complementary/alternative medicine. Conventional medicine is based on drugs and surgery. Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) uses natural therapies such as herbs, vitamins, acupuncture, and massage to treat illness and promote health. CAM is not considered a substitute for conventional treatment but rather an addition to helping patients who want to take control of their healthcare by choosing what they believe is most appropriate.
Naturopathy, on other hand, is used as a complement to conventional medical treatments. It addresses the whole body and mind as well as the soul. There are many kinds of naturopathy.
It is important that you note that some CAM modalities may overlap with traditional medicine. Both doctors and Naturopaths can prescribe herbal remedies. But, naturopaths are more concerned with lifestyle changes than prescribing medications.
Naturopathy is sometimes called “complementary” since it complements traditional medicine and does not replace it. Naturopaths may prescribe medication as needed.
There are differences between naturopathic medicine and other CAM modalities:
- Naturopaths do not usually prescribe medication or diagnose illnesses.
- Naturopaths can refer patients to specialists and work with their family physician.
- Naturopathic physicians are licensed by their respective provinces, while CAM practitioners are selfregulated.
- Naturopathy stresses prevention and wellness, while offering education on diet and exercise.
- Naturopaths emphasize the importance of lifestyle factors such as nutrition, sleep, stress management and exercise.
- Naturopharmacists specialize on the treatment of certain conditions with botanicals or minerals.
- Naturopodists are skilled in providing personalized care that meets the needs of each patient.
- Naturopaths are licensed by regulatory bodies like the College of Naturopathic Physicians of Ontario.
- Provincial regulatory bodies grant licenses to naturopatrists.
- Naturopaticians are registered with the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.
- The College of Naturopaths of British Columbia has licensed Naturotherapists.
- Naturobiotic therapists are licensed by the United States National Board of Medical Examiners.
- The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency licenses homeopaths.
- The concept of “holistic” is a belief that all aspects – spiritual, emotional, and social – should be considered when making decisions regarding one's health. Holistic doctors will not focus on just one aspect of the equation but consider all elements.
Complementary and Alternative Healthcare – Are they Evidence-based?
The evidence base for complementary and alternative medicine is still evolving, but there are many reasons why people choose these therapies. They might have tried other treatments, but they were ineffective. Or they may prefer to try alternative therapies because they offer more benefits than traditional care. As part of a holistic approach, they might look for complementary and alternate medicines. It is important for patients to verify that any alternative or complementary medicines they are using have been supported by scientific research. Ask your pharmacist or doctor if you have any doubts about whether the treatment is working. It can save you both time and money.
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (
- According to a 2005 book by a US [116]Institute of Medicine panel, the number of RCTs focused on CAM has risen dramatically. (
- These studies found that 38.4% concluded positive or possibly positive effects for CAM (12.4%), 4.8% concluded no effect, 0.7% concluded harmful effects, and 56.6% concluded insufficient evidence. (
- The use of alternative medicine in the US has increased, with a 50 percent increase in expenditures and a 25 percent increase in the use of alternative therapies between 1990 and 1997 in America. (
- An assessment of conventional treatments found that 41.3% concluded positive or possibly positive effects, 20% concluded no effect, 8.1% concluded net harmful effects, and 21.3% concluded insufficient evidence. (
External Links
- A sociological perspective on the rise and fall of complementary and alternate medicine – PubMed
- PubMed – Holistic medicine
- PubMed: Randomized controlled trial examining the effects of foot reflexology on hospital anxiety and depression in female older adults.
How To
What kind of products are used in holistic medicine?
The best way to describe these products would be as “natural” but not necessarily organic. They may have been grown using natural fertilizers and pesticides, but they were also processed in ways that are less harmful to human health. Some herbs can trigger allergic reactions in certain people, so it is important to make sure that they are prepared according to their requirements. The herbs sold in health food stores are more standard than those found at grocery stores. These herbicides and/or fungicides are often higher in the latter.
The majority of herbal products are made from dried plants. Many people prefer to buy herbal supplements in liquid form. This is cheaper. But, liquid herbs are not necessarily safer. Liquid herbs can lose nutrients during processing. The product may lose its original potency. In addition, herbal supplements aren’t tested for quality before being placed on shelves.
Spices and herbs are usually added to foods after they have been cooked. These spices can be found in sauces, condiments, dressings, soup mixes, marinades, and salad dressings.
Supplements are most commonly taken orally, (by mouth). Most vitamins and mineral supplements are available as tablets. Others are available in capsule form.
Homeopathic remedies can be highly dilute substances that are derived from animal, plant, mineral, and synthetic sources. They are meant to stimulate the body's healing mechanisms. They are not considered “homeopathic” but they work in the same way as regular medication. They work on the body's immune systems to restore balance and promote wellbeing. Homeopathic remedies have been proven safe and effective. They are widely used in Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
Acupuncture uses fine needles to insert into specific points along your meridians. This is based on traditional Chinese medical theories that energy channels are the pathways through which life force flows. This theory claims that illness can be caused by blockages within these channels. By stimulating energy flow along the meridian lines, the body is believed to recover its normal functioning.
Chiropractors can manipulate the spine to correct misalignments. American doctor Daniel David Palmer devised this method in 1895. He claimed that he could diagnose illness and cure them by manipulating the vertebrae. His methods included spinal adjustments, muscle tests and percussion.
Chiropractic has grown in popularity over the last few years. Many believe that it works better for back pain than conventional medicine.
Massage therapy uses rubbing, kneading and tapping to massage muscles, joints, as well as other body parts. Massage helps loosen tight muscles, reduce tension, and relax sore muscles. Swedish massage, deep tissues, sports, reflexology, myofascialrelease, trigger point therapy and other methods are used by massage therapists.
Reflexology can be described as alternative medicine. It involves applying pressure to certain areas on the feet and hands with thumb pads or fingers. Reflexologists claim that this method stimulates the body's natural ability to heal.
Aromatherapy uses essential oil extracted from plants to relieve stress and boost mood. Aromatherapy is also beneficial because essential oils can have a positive effect on health conditions, such as headache relief and arthritis treatment. There are many types of aromatherapy, including:
Craniosacral Therapy utilizes gentle touch to help alleviate pain and discomfort. The skull is called Cranial, while the Latin word sacrum refers to the sacrum. Cranial sacral therapy combines both. The therapist uses light pressure to the head, neck, shoulders and arms of the patient while moving her/his fingers across their body.
Cupping therapy involves applying cups to the skin to draw out toxins and create suction. Cupping may also be used in combination with acupuncture (burning herbs), or as a detox method.
Supplements are either oral or topical products that contain vitamins and minerals, herbs extracts, enzymes, probiotics. antioxidants, and other fatty acids. Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act of94 is the FDA's regulation of dietary supplements. To be legally sold, a dietary supplement must meet two requirements. It must be a “dietary component,” which means it contains more than 1% of a vitamin or mineral, herb, or any other botanical listed on Food and Drug Administration's Generally Recognized as Safe List. It must also have adhered to Good Manufacturing Practices. This means that its ingredients were properly handled during production.
Electrotherapy uses electrical currents in order to stimulate nerves or muscles. The most common form of electrotherapy is transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS). TENS devices deliver low-level electric pulses to the skin using electrodes. These pulses activate the brain's pain receptors and block them. You can also use electrotherapy in other ways, such as interferencential current therapy or magnetic field treatment, and even ultrasound therapy.
Energy healing is based on the belief that we all possess innate healing abilities and that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and intentions affect our physical health. Modern practitioners accept that energy healing is possible, even though it has been practiced since ancient times. However, there are many layers to energy. One layer is emotional energy. Another is called mental energy. There are many other energy types, including spiritual, physical, chakras, vital and life force, prana. Kundalini, biofield. aura. quantum fields. Many believe these energies are linked to the whole universe. Some claim to be able to heal others using only the power of their minds. The scientific evidence for energy medicine is still limited.
Energy psychology involves studying how human emotions affect physiological functions and vice versa. It is sometimes considered an alternative to psychotherapy because it focuses less on discussing past events and more on helping clients change present behavior. Energy psychology does require no specific theoretical framework. Instead, it draws upon many disciplines like cognitive behavioral therapy, transactional psychoanalysis, interpersonal psychoanalysis as well as attachment theory and developmental psychology.
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