The services offered at a holistic healing center include body detoxification. Toxins accumulate in our bodies and can cause a variety of health issues, including fatigue and aches. Eliminating toxins from the body can boost your immune system and increase your energy levels. Detoxification programs can also improve your digestion and include fasting or colonic irrigation. Some centers even offer … [Read more...]
Symptoms, Diagnosis, Complications, and Prognosis of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
This article covers symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, complications, and prognosis of Ramsay Hunt syndrome. This syndrome can also be caused by a variety of other causes. Read on to learn more. Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a rare inherited neurodegenerative disorder that affects the facial motor neurons. While it is not a traumatic disease, it can cause a significant amount of pain. If you suspect you … [Read more...]
Alternative Medicine For Asthma
In addition to prescription medicines, there are many other ways to treat asthma. Some people turn to herbs and OTC products. Other options include Massage, Chiropractic, and Chiropractic-related treatments. This article will briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of all of these approaches. Asthma can be a frustrating condition, so using alternative medicine can help relieve your … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Attending an Alternative Medicine University
When choosing an alternative medicine university, consider the following aspects: Curriculum, Accreditation, Courses offered, and Cost. There are several benefits to attending an alternative medicine university. If you are serious about becoming a doctor, you may want to continue your education to become an alternative medicine practitioner. After completing your degree, you can enter … [Read more...]
Alternative Medicine for GMS
A recent study found that one-third of people with GMS or general medical services use alternative medicine as a treatment. Among those who had tried it, 40 percent said it was more effective than conventional treatments. Overall, the results were positive for eighty-seven percent of patients. Despite the controversy surrounding this form of treatment, it does have many benefits. It is … [Read more...]
Dr. Anita Phillips | Mental Health & Wellness In The Church
Are you seeking ways to get healthier? Do you want to know how to live a healthy way of life? Wellness and health is a topic that has become increasingly popular in the last few years. Everyone wants to learn how to stay fit, lose weight, and be healthy. However, the majority of people aren't ready to work hard required to achieve these objectives. They want someone else to take care of … [Read more...]
Is Living Your Purpose the Key to Health and Wellness? | Myra Godfrey | TEDxWilmingtonWomen
Are you in search of ways to improve your health? Do you want to learn how to lead a healthy way of life? Health and wellness is a subject that has grown in popularity in recent years. Everybody wants to learn how to stay fit, lose weight, and feel great. Most people don't want to put in the work required to achieve these goals. They want someone else to take care of the work for them. … [Read more...]
Are Health and Wellness Really Related?
Are you in search of ways to become healthier? Do you want to know how to lead a healthy lifestyle? The topic of health and wellness is a subject which has gained popularity in the past few years. It seems like everyone wants to know how they can stay fit, lose weight and feel fantastic. But the majority of people aren't prepared to work hard necessary to reach these goals. They're … [Read more...]
Finding Wellness in Healthcare | Matthew Moore | TEDxSyracuse
Are you seeking ways to become healthier? Are you looking to learn how to live a healthy way of life? Wellness and health is a topic that has been gaining popularity over the past few years. There is a general desire to know how to stay fit, lose weight, and feel good. Most people don't want to do the work required to attain these objectives. They want someone else to accomplishes it … [Read more...]
Stop Chasing Purpose and Focus on Wellness | Chloe Hakim-Moore | TEDxMemphis
Are you in search of ways to get healthier? Do you want to know how to live a healthy lifestyle ? The topic of health and wellness is a subject that has been gaining popularity in the past few years. Everybody wants to learn how to remain fit, lose weight and feel fantastic. But most people aren't willing to work hard required to achieve these objectives. They just want someone else to … [Read more...]