Every individual is examined at least once a year by a professional medical practitioner from birth. A spine evaluation will be performed during the doctor's visit to determine if scoliosis is present. Parents who have a family history of scoliosis often wonder if it is passed on to their children.
There is no solid evidence that scoliosis is more likely to be passed on. There is an increased risk for a parent or sibling who has been diagnosed with Scoliosis. However, there are also several environmental and genetic factors to consider. It is therefore sporadic. Learn more about the likelihood of inheriting scoliosis and treatment options.
What is Scoliosis?
Natural curves occur in the spine's lumbar region, thoracic region, and cervical area. Curves are necessary for the body to move and be able to handle the stresses it is subjected to during daily activities. A doctor or chiropractor inspects a patient's scoliosis by looking for an unnatural curvature in the frontal or coronal plane.
This is the way a measurement is done to determine if there's an unnatural curvature that will lead to or is already causing scoliosis. Scoliosis can be classified into three categories:
- Idiopathic: When no other type of scoliosis can be identified. Around 80% of patients have idiopathic Scoliosis. It is the most common and usually found in children who are going through puberty.
- Congenital – present at birth. When one part of the spine grows slower than the others.
- Neuromuscular disease – it is a rapidly progressing condition that requires surgery and often occurs in conjunction with other neurological and muscular diseases such as cerebral palsy, spinal muscular atrophy and spina bifida.
Doctors and other healthcare professionals measure the degree of curvature in the spine through a visual examination, a CT scanner, MRI scan, X-ray and/or a spinal radiograph to determine if a patient is suffering from scoliosis. A posterior-anterior x-ray that shows a curve of 10 degrees or more is considered scoliosis. Significant scoliosis occurs at 25-30 degrees, and severe scoliosis can be diagnosed when the curve measures 45-50 degrees.
Can Scoliosis be Passed on?
If you have children or are planning to have them in the near future, and you or someone in your family was diagnosed with scoliosis, you may wonder if it is inherited genetically. It affects 2 to 3% in the US population, which is a high enough prevalence for you to think about your child's chances of having the disorder.
Scientists have found evidence that scoliosis may be caused by a gene. Scientists and investigators from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children worked together to discover the gene CHD7, which leads to S- and Cshaped curves on the spine.
Research has shown that genetics is involved in the transmission of scoliosis. There are other factors which must work together with the CHD7 to cause the disease.
Treatment options for Scoliosis
The most important thing to do if you or your child has been diagnosed with Scoliosis, whether it is genetic or a result of the CHD7 gene being present, is to get treatment. There is usually no discomfort or pain associated with mild scoliosis. In these cases, the only treatment is to observe the patient and make sure the problem does not worsen. Most doctors will want to check in with their patients at least every four to six month to determine if the condition is getting worse.
In more severe cases, the pain and discomfort are accompanied by problems with breathing and moving. It is best to consult a scoliosis-specific chiropractor or medical professional. It is best to start with the least invasive treatment. This can include:
- Physical Therapy
- Casting
- Braces
A parent should only consider spinal fusion if these other methods are not effective. This will help to reduce the curve of the spine, and prevent it from becoming worse. Early detection is the most important part of treating Scoliosis. It is for this reason that doctors perform scoliosis checks at every visit, and schools also conduct scoliosis testing. If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, you should have your child or yourself examined.
- Uneven shoulders
- The head is not centered directly over the pelvis
- Hips raised or high
- The height of rib cages varies
- Uneven waist
- Skin texture changes along the spine, where it curves
- Clothes that don't fit properly
- Back pain or discomfort
You can also visit my Anchorage chiropractor clinic if you suspect that you or someone in your family may be suffering from scoliosis. My patients and potential clients are also unaware that they can visit a chiropractor even without insurance. You can always pay for your visits out of pocket.
To prevent further damage, it's best to start treatment as soon as possible. This will help to avoid surgery.
Does Scoliosis have a genetic cause? The post Does Scoliosis Have a Genetic Cause?
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the advantages of holistic medicine over traditional medicine?
Holistic medicines have been used for thousands of years by many cultures and religions worldwide. They were developed using ancient knowledge and experiences.
These medicines are safe, efficient, natural, and inexpensive. These side effects are far less severe than those from pharmaceutical drugs.
They are also beneficial for your overall health and well-being.
They can reduce the risk of disease and increase your overall well-being.
They could even be used to treat heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma and depression.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of traditional medicines all over the world. Each one has its own unique benefits.
The World Health Organization has estimated that around 80% rely on traditional methods of treating illness and injury.
According to reports, half a billion people use traditional herbal remedies as their primary healthcare.
The global market for complementary therapies is estimated to reach $22.2 billion by 2020.
People are increasingly turning to alternative medical practices to avoid harmful side effects associated with conventional treatments.
Complementary therapies are often used when other options fail to work. These therapies may be tried before they resort to medication or surgery.
There are many reasons people choose complementary therapies.
- To improve quality of life
- To reduce stress levels
- For relaxation
- To relieve pain
- To enhance immunity
- Help with managing serious illnesses
- To boost energy
- To control weight
- To maintain good nutrition
- To improve sleep patterns
- To deal with chronic conditions
What are the five domains of integrative medical care?
Integrative medicine covers five areas: mind-body and nutrition; lifestyle; social determinants; lifestyle; and prevention. These five areas encompass all aspects related to health care: spiritual, environmental, and physical.
Integrative medicine seeks to address all aspects of health and wellness. It encompasses both conventional medical treatments as well as complementary therapies like acupuncture and yoga, meditation and massage therapy.
Who uses alternative medicine?
Alternative medicine is used for many reasons.
- They want to avoid harmful drugs and surgery.
- They believe natural remedies are more effective.
- They prefer non-invasive treatment.
- They want to spend less.
- They feel safer using natural products.
- They desire more control over their healthcare decisions.
- They want to be responsible for their health.
- They want to live in a healthier environment.
- They want less stress in their lives.
- They want greater freedom to choose their doctors and healthcare plans.
- They want their children to receive a better education.
- They desire healthy food to feed their families.
- They seek safe, effective medicines.
What is the difference between holistic medicine and traditional medicine?
Traditional medicine concentrates on the treatment of symptoms, while holistic medicine addresses the entire person. Holistic medicine looks at the patient as a whole rather than just focusing on one aspect of his/her health.
Traditional medicine treats certain organs, systems, or diseases (e.g. the brain), while holistic medicines consider all aspects and the entire body. It also examines the effects of lifestyle choices on overall wellbeing.
- These studies found that 38.4% concluded positive or possibly positive effects for CAM (12.4%), 4.8% concluded no effect, 0.7% concluded harmful effects, and 56.6% concluded insufficient evidence. (en.wikipedia.org)
- In the 17% in which they disagreed, a third reader agreed with one of the initial readers to set a rating. (en.wikipedia.org)
- An assessment of conventional treatments found that 41.3% concluded positive or possibly positive effects, 20% concluded no effect, 8.1% concluded net harmful effects, and 21.3% concluded insufficient evidence. (en.wikipedia.org)
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (en.wikipedia.org)
- The concept of regression toward the mean implies that an extreme result is more likely to be followed by a less extreme result. (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- A Randomized controlled trial to determine the effect of foot reflexology on depression and anxiety in older women: PubMed
- Games for Health Journal
- Acupuncture for Treatment of Insomnia: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
How To
What are the Pros and Cons of Holistic Medical?
Holistic medicine is a form of holistic medicine that emphasizes the importance mind, body, spirit and environment in the healing process. It was created by Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936), whose first book, The Doctor's Book of Mind Cure (1924), describes the process. He used simple techniques such as meditation, visualization, and hypnosis. People with stress, anxiety, depression or pain experienced this treatment. This therapy can also help patients deal with their problems and improve their quality life.
While holistic therapies are still being used today, there is not enough evidence to support their effectiveness. However, some studies show that these treatments can help reduce symptoms associated with chronic conditions such as asthma, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, migraine, obesity, osteoporosis, and others.
The advancements and the shortcomings of holistic medicine can be seen in:
- Lack of scientific evidence. The benefits of holistic therapies can only be evaluated in a small number of well-designed, randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The majority of researches show positive results.
- Alternative medicine is less expensive than conventional medicine. Alternative medicines are often cheaper than conventional ones, especially if the patient follows an organic diet.
- Patients do NOT feel pressured or compelled to follow prescribed protocols.
- Many doctors recommend complementary treatments even though they may not prescribe them.
- Many holistic treatments can be combined with traditional medicine. For example, acupuncture can be used in conjunction with surgery or medication.
- People believe that alternative treatments work better than conventional medicine.
- Alternative medicines are more natural than traditional drugs.
- Many patients choose complementary treatments to enhance their lifestyle changes. They want to feel healthy and enjoy life.
- Holistic treatments are more beneficial for patients.
- Holistic treatments are becoming popular among older adults.
- Complementary treatments require more research.
- Studies show that most people prefer to try alternative treatments before going to a doctor.
- Doctors must understand that not everyone will benefit from alternative treatments.
- Holistic treatment should be part and parcel of our culture as well as our education system.
- Holistic treatments are not always safe.
- To help patients make informed decisions about treatment options, it is essential that we learn how to do so.
- Holistic treatments are not just for hippies.
- Holistic treatments cannot cure certain diseases.
- Holistic treatments are sometimes dangerous.
- For certain conditions, holistic therapies are beneficial.
- Holistic treatments are very effective.
- Holistic therapies are based upon ancient wisdom.
- Holistic treatments are easy and simple to understand.
- It can be difficult to learn holistic therapies.
- Holistic treatments are hard to learn.
- Holistic treatments can be expensive.
- Holistic treatments can be very costly.
- Holistic treatments are less expensive than conventional medicine.
- Holistic treatments are more expensive than conventional medicine.
A Brief History of Holistic Medicine
Holistic medicine refers to a system that treats the whole person rather than just the symptoms. It encompasses all aspects of the person, such as their mental, physical, spiritual, occupational, cultural, and social influences. Prevention is better than treatment. It focuses on prevention and management of disease, such as diet, exercise, relaxation, stress management, and so forth.
Bastyr University, Seattle was the first school to offer holistic medicine. It was founded in 1972. After the 1996 publication of “Spontaneous Healing,” Dr. Andrew Weil's book, holistic medicine began to take root. Dr. David Williams (AHMA) and Dr. Michael Murray created the American Holistic Medical Association. Today there are hundreds of holistic medical schools all around the globe, including Bastyr University. Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons. Maharishi Ayurveda Institute. Pacific School of Oriental Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The World Health Organization designated holistic medicine as one the five top trends in healthcare in 2013. This trend involves integrating conventional medicine with complementary therapies such acupuncture (homeopathy), herbalism, massage treatment, reiki and yoga. This integration aims at providing safe, effective, patient centered care while minimizing costs and side effects.
Holistic medicine works as a result of an interconnected mind-body-spirit. An imbalance in any of these components can lead to illness. Here are some examples:
When your mind is anxious or stressed, you can become tense and out-of-balance. Your body reacts by making cortisol. This hormone increases inflammation throughout your body. The result is fatigue, weakness, and sickness.
If your emotions run high, you may experience negative feelings and thoughts like fear, anger, grief, or sadness. These feelings cause stress in your brain. If this stress is not treated, your body will produce adrenaline or cortisol. Adrenaline boosts heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate. Cortisol is a hormone that affects your immune, digestive, and nervous systems. Both hormones can cause fatigue, muscle tension and headaches, as well as anxiety, depression, anxiety, dizziness, insomnia, sleeplessness, headaches, dizziness and other health problems.
If your spirit is low, it can cause you to lose faith in yourself and your ability to see the good in others. A lack of self-esteem and confidence can also lead to low self-esteem. This can lead you to poor eating habits and unhealthy relationships. It can also cause low energy. Your spirit will make you feel happy, cheerful, peaceful, optimistic, and positive.
Difference between allopathic and alternative medicine
Allopathic medicine uses scientific methods. To diagnose patients, doctors use x-rays and MRIs as well as CAT scans and other technologies. When necessary, they prescribe medication and perform surgery. Allopathic doctors believe their knowledge of human anatomy and the best ways to treat diseases. Alternative medicine can be used for vitamins, minerals, diet and exercise. There is no one standard definition for alternative medicine. People call it natural or integrative medicine. Some refer to it as traditional, naturopathic, or CAM.
This blog is a source of general information and discussion on health and related topics. Information and materials on this blog, on the website, or in any of the connected materials are not intended to replace or used as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional, diagnosis, or treatment. This blog does not represent the application of any nursing, medical or other health professional advice or diagnosis. We are unable to diagnose health conditions, offer second opinions or provide specific treatment recommendations via this blog or on our website.
If you or another person is suffering from a medical issue and you are concerned, consult your doctor or seek out other medical professional treatment as soon as possible. Do not disregard medical advice from a professional or delay seeking it due to information you seen on the blog or website or in any of the linked materials. If you're experiencing an emergency medical situation, dial 911 or seek emergency medical assistance on the closest phone immediately.
By: jbenson@innovisionhm.com
Title: Does Scoliosis Have a Genetic Cause?
Sourced From: alternativemedicine.com/conditions/bone-joint-health/does-scoliosis-have-a-genetic-cause/
Published Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 15:48:35 +0000
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the advantages of holistic medicine over traditional medicine?
Holistic medicines have been used for thousands of years by many cultures and religions worldwide. They were developed using ancient knowledge and experiences.
These medicines are safe, efficient, natural, and inexpensive. These side effects are far less severe than those from pharmaceutical drugs.
They are also beneficial for your overall health and well-being.
They can reduce the risk of disease and increase your overall well-being.
They could even be used to treat heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma and depression.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of traditional medicines all over the world. Each one has its own unique benefits.
The World Health Organization has estimated that around 80% rely on traditional methods of treating illness and injury.
According to reports, half a billion people use traditional herbal remedies as their primary healthcare.
The global market for complementary therapies is estimated to reach $22.2 billion by 2020.
People are increasingly turning to alternative medical practices to avoid harmful side effects associated with conventional treatments.
Complementary therapies are often used when other options fail to work. These therapies may be tried before they resort to medication or surgery.
There are many reasons people choose complementary therapies.
- To improve quality of life
- To reduce stress levels
- For relaxation
- To relieve pain
- To enhance immunity
- Help with managing serious illnesses
- To boost energy
- To control weight
- To maintain good nutrition
- To improve sleep patterns
- To deal with chronic conditions
What are the five domains of integrative medical care?
Integrative medicine covers five areas: mind-body and nutrition; lifestyle; social determinants; lifestyle; and prevention. These five areas encompass all aspects related to health care: spiritual, environmental, and physical.
Integrative medicine seeks to address all aspects of health and wellness. It encompasses both conventional medical treatments as well as complementary therapies like acupuncture and yoga, meditation and massage therapy.
Who uses alternative medicine?
Alternative medicine is used for many reasons.
- They want to avoid harmful drugs and surgery.
- They believe natural remedies are more effective.
- They prefer non-invasive treatment.
- They want to spend less.
- They feel safer using natural products.
- They desire more control over their healthcare decisions.
- They want to be responsible for their health.
- They want to live in a healthier environment.
- They want less stress in their lives.
- They want greater freedom to choose their doctors and healthcare plans.
- They want their children to receive a better education.
- They desire healthy food to feed their families.
- They seek safe, effective medicines.
What is the difference between holistic medicine and traditional medicine?
Traditional medicine concentrates on the treatment of symptoms, while holistic medicine addresses the entire person. Holistic medicine looks at the patient as a whole rather than just focusing on one aspect of his/her health.
Traditional medicine treats certain organs, systems, or diseases (e.g. the brain), while holistic medicines consider all aspects and the entire body. It also examines the effects of lifestyle choices on overall wellbeing.
- These studies found that 38.4% concluded positive or possibly positive effects for CAM (12.4%), 4.8% concluded no effect, 0.7% concluded harmful effects, and 56.6% concluded insufficient evidence. (en.wikipedia.org)
- In the 17% in which they disagreed, a third reader agreed with one of the initial readers to set a rating. (en.wikipedia.org)
- An assessment of conventional treatments found that 41.3% concluded positive or possibly positive effects, 20% concluded no effect, 8.1% concluded net harmful effects, and 21.3% concluded insufficient evidence. (en.wikipedia.org)
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (en.wikipedia.org)
- The concept of regression toward the mean implies that an extreme result is more likely to be followed by a less extreme result. (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- A Randomized controlled trial to determine the effect of foot reflexology on depression and anxiety in older women: PubMed
- Games for Health Journal
- Acupuncture for Treatment of Insomnia: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
How To
What are the Pros and Cons of Holistic Medical?
Holistic medicine is a form of holistic medicine that emphasizes the importance mind, body, spirit and environment in the healing process. It was created by Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936), whose first book, The Doctor's Book of Mind Cure (1924), describes the process. He used simple techniques such as meditation, visualization, and hypnosis. People with stress, anxiety, depression or pain experienced this treatment. This therapy can also help patients deal with their problems and improve their quality life.
While holistic therapies are still being used today, there is not enough evidence to support their effectiveness. However, some studies show that these treatments can help reduce symptoms associated with chronic conditions such as asthma, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, migraine, obesity, osteoporosis, and others.
The advancements and the shortcomings of holistic medicine can be seen in:
- Lack of scientific evidence. The benefits of holistic therapies can only be evaluated in a small number of well-designed, randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The majority of researches show positive results.
- Alternative medicine is less expensive than conventional medicine. Alternative medicines are often cheaper than conventional ones, especially if the patient follows an organic diet.
- Patients do NOT feel pressured or compelled to follow prescribed protocols.
- Many doctors recommend complementary treatments even though they may not prescribe them.
- Many holistic treatments can be combined with traditional medicine. For example, acupuncture can be used in conjunction with surgery or medication.
- People believe that alternative treatments work better than conventional medicine.
- Alternative medicines are more natural than traditional drugs.
- Many patients choose complementary treatments to enhance their lifestyle changes. They want to feel healthy and enjoy life.
- Holistic treatments are more beneficial for patients.
- Holistic treatments are becoming popular among older adults.
- Complementary treatments require more research.
- Studies show that most people prefer to try alternative treatments before going to a doctor.
- Doctors must understand that not everyone will benefit from alternative treatments.
- Holistic treatment should be part and parcel of our culture as well as our education system.
- Holistic treatments are not always safe.
- To help patients make informed decisions about treatment options, it is essential that we learn how to do so.
- Holistic treatments are not just for hippies.
- Holistic treatments cannot cure certain diseases.
- Holistic treatments are sometimes dangerous.
- For certain conditions, holistic therapies are beneficial.
- Holistic treatments are very effective.
- Holistic therapies are based upon ancient wisdom.
- Holistic treatments are easy and simple to understand.
- It can be difficult to learn holistic therapies.
- Holistic treatments are hard to learn.
- Holistic treatments can be expensive.
- Holistic treatments can be very costly.
- Holistic treatments are less expensive than conventional medicine.
- Holistic treatments are more expensive than conventional medicine.
A Brief History of Holistic Medicine
Holistic medicine refers to a system that treats the whole person rather than just the symptoms. It encompasses all aspects of the person, such as their mental, physical, spiritual, occupational, cultural, and social influences. Prevention is better than treatment. It focuses on prevention and management of disease, such as diet, exercise, relaxation, stress management, and so forth.
Bastyr University, Seattle was the first school to offer holistic medicine. It was founded in 1972. After the 1996 publication of “Spontaneous Healing,” Dr. Andrew Weil's book, holistic medicine began to take root. Dr. David Williams (AHMA) and Dr. Michael Murray created the American Holistic Medical Association. Today there are hundreds of holistic medical schools all around the globe, including Bastyr University. Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons. Maharishi Ayurveda Institute. Pacific School of Oriental Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The World Health Organization designated holistic medicine as one the five top trends in healthcare in 2013. This trend involves integrating conventional medicine with complementary therapies such acupuncture (homeopathy), herbalism, massage treatment, reiki and yoga. This integration aims at providing safe, effective, patient centered care while minimizing costs and side effects.
Holistic medicine works as a result of an interconnected mind-body-spirit. An imbalance in any of these components can lead to illness. Here are some examples:
When your mind is anxious or stressed, you can become tense and out-of-balance. Your body reacts by making cortisol. This hormone increases inflammation throughout your body. The result is fatigue, weakness, and sickness.
If your emotions run high, you may experience negative feelings and thoughts like fear, anger, grief, or sadness. These feelings cause stress in your brain. If this stress is not treated, your body will produce adrenaline or cortisol. Adrenaline boosts heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate. Cortisol is a hormone that affects your immune, digestive, and nervous systems. Both hormones can cause fatigue, muscle tension and headaches, as well as anxiety, depression, anxiety, dizziness, insomnia, sleeplessness, headaches, dizziness and other health problems.
If your spirit is low, it can cause you to lose faith in yourself and your ability to see the good in others. A lack of self-esteem and confidence can also lead to low self-esteem. This can lead you to poor eating habits and unhealthy relationships. It can also cause low energy. Your spirit will make you feel happy, cheerful, peaceful, optimistic, and positive.
Difference between allopathic and alternative medicine
Allopathic medicine uses scientific methods. To diagnose patients, doctors use x-rays and MRIs as well as CAT scans and other technologies. When necessary, they prescribe medication and perform surgery. Allopathic doctors believe their knowledge of human anatomy and the best ways to treat diseases. Alternative medicine can be used for vitamins, minerals, diet and exercise. There is no one standard definition for alternative medicine. People call it natural or integrative medicine. Some refer to it as traditional, naturopathic, or CAM.
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