If you're looking to lose weight, one of the things you might be wondering about is the use of natural appetite suppressants. These products can be a great way to help you lose weight and keep it off for good. However, they're not all the same.
Glucomannan is a soluble fiber which can help suppress appetite. It helps manage blood sugar and insulin levels, which are key components for reducing body weight. This is one of the reasons why it's popular as a weight loss supplement.
While it's unlikely that you can lose weight by taking glucomannan alone, it is a beneficial supplement to include in your overall weight loss program. There are other supplements that can aid in your weight loss efforts, such as Griffonia extract. However, glucomannan is the most effective among them.
It has been studied extensively to determine its possible effects on weight, cholesterol, and blood glucose. It also appears to have anti-inflammatory properties.
Glucomannan has been used in Japanese traditional cooking, and is sometimes nicknamed the “broom of the intestine.” Glucomannan works to slow down the digestion of food, making you feel full for a longer period of time. That means you'll eat less of unhealthy foods.
It's been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels, which can improve the heart's health. In addition to its appetite-suppressing abilities, glucomannan may also increase the number of healthy bacteria in the gut. These bacteria play an important role in many of the body's functions, and increasing them can lead to better overall health.
It's also worth noting that glucomannan can delay the absorption of nutrients, which can help lower total calories. In addition, it's considered a prebiotic, or food for the bacteria in the intestine.
It's recommended that you start with a low dosage of glucomannan and work your way up. A higher dose can cause gastrointestinal issues. Also, it's vital to drink plenty of water when taking glucomannan.
Caffeine is a common ingredient in over-the-counter weight loss supplements. It's not only a stimulant, but also a fat burner and appetite suppressant. While the benefits are many, some people can be adverse to caffeine.
It's also a good idea to consult your physician before beginning a natural appetite suppressant program. A number of prescription drugs can interfere with the use of certain products. If you are on one of these medications, make sure to speak to your doctor before taking a supplement that includes ingredients such as guarana extract.
There are many natural and synthetic alternatives to caffeine. One is the green tea, which contains catechins that may lower carbohydrates absorbed by the body.
Another is the green coffee, which is full of antioxidants. The caffeine in green coffee helps boost your metabolism and provide energy. Other ingredients that help with fat loss include the thermogenic spice turmeric and the fiber-rich berry from Central and South America.
Other natural substances you can consume in pill form are grains of paradise, glucomannan, and L-phenylalanine. All of these can help keep you full for hours, so you don't feel hungry. However, beware that too much of these things can lead to renal failure.
You can also take a proprietary formula containing a variety of high-quality herbs and spices. This will also be an energy booster, but the main benefits are in the metabolism-boosting and oxidative stress-protecting components.
A number of studies have investigated the effects of caffeine on various aspects of the human body. Although the results were mixed, some have shown it to be a good appetite suppressant. Some studies have even reported a slight anorectic effect.
Apples are natural appetite suppressants that help to keep your hunger in check. They are rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. In addition, apples have a number of other health benefits.
For instance, research shows that apples may prevent the development of gallstones. Additionally, they may also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Similarly, they are thought to boost heart health, improve brain function, and increase your energy level. Moreover, they are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and water.
Another reason why you should include apples in your diet is their high water content. Drinking plenty of water is known to improve your skin and headaches. It also helps you burn fat.
Another interesting fact about apples is that they are very filling. This is due to their high water and fiber content. The combination of these two makes them an ideal weight loss food.
Apples are also filled with pectin, a type of fiber that helps the body regulate blood sugar levels and promotes weight loss. Pectin has the ability to bind to fat molecules in the colon, making you feel fuller.
Fiber is also known to slow down digestion. When fiber is in the gut, it is able to feed the friendly bacteria that aid metabolic health. Furthermore, it may also make you feel less hungry.
Some studies suggest that eating an apple before a meal may prevent you from overeating. However, the most effective way to control your appetite is to simply stick to your diet.
If you are looking to lose some weight, it is best to stick to a healthy, balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and veggies. You can supplement your meals with fresh fruit juices, protein powder, and dairy. Also, try including some almonds and pine nuts in your diet. These are rich sources of magnesium, vitamin E, and pinolenic acid.
Rhodiola Rosea root
Rhodiola Rosea is a herb that is gaining popularity amongst those who want to improve their health. This herb helps the body by providing a subtle psychostimulatory effect.
It is also an effective weight loss appetite suppressant. In addition to this, it is thought to increase mental processing speed, concentration, and memory retention.
The plant's main medicinal component is the salidroside. This compound is said to act as an antioxidant and help with the build-up of beta-amyloid plaque, which is a precursive indicator of Alzheimer's disease.
Another important component of the plant is the rosavin. Although this component is ineffective by itself, it is most powerful when combined with other elements of the plant.
Rhodiola Rosea is also thought to boost cellular energy and VO2 max, a measure of a person's physical endurance. By doing so, the compound can help people remain alert and energetic under stressful conditions.
Many people are turning to natural adaptogens to help them cope with stress and improve their overall well-being. Aside from its medicinal benefits, Rhodiola is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties.
One study found that Rhodiola Rosea can be helpful for improving cognitive performance in cadets, particularly in enhancing reaction time and promoting mental processing accuracy. These benefits are further bolstered by its effects on the body, including a reduction in fatigue, stress, and anxiety.
Using Rhodiola Rosea supplements can be a safe and effective way to fight off depression. Studies have shown that nearly two-thirds of the study group had complete remission of depressive symptoms after taking the supplement.
Despite its many benefits, the herb has mild side effects. In addition to the above-mentioned smirky-smile effect, Rhodiola Rosea may also cause the body to become slightly stimulatory. As such, it is best used in conjunction with a structured exercise routine.
Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seeds contain phytochemicals, minerals, and other bioactive components. Some of these ingredients have promising effects on human health, especially for weight loss.
It is believed that fenugreek is a natural appetite suppressant. The herb also has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, fenugreek can help improve liver function.
According to one study, fenugreek helps with glycemic control in patients with mild type 2 diabetes. Moreover, fenugreek can increase milk production in nursing mothers. This may be attributed to the alkaloid trigonelline.
Similarly, a study found that fenugreek helped decrease dietary fat consumption in 39 healthy overweight men. However, the dosage of fenugreek for these purposes is not known.
Several studies have indicated that fenugreek has hypoglycemic effects. The seed contains galactomannan, which is a soluble fiber that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Besides, fenugreek may act as a prebiotic that supports a healthy gut microbiome.
Another study demonstrated that fenugreek reduces the absorption of glucose. This may be attributed to the presence of furastanol glycosides, which are precursors of diosgenin.
A few other benefits of fenugreek are that it may help alleviate menstrual symptoms. The herb is also a good source of antioxidants. Additionally, it has been shown to decrease inflammation and arouse satiety.
The plant has a slightly bitter flavor. You can prepare a fenugreek tea by adding a few ounces of the seeds to boiling water. After the water has cooled, it can be strained. The mixture can be drunk on an empty stomach.
Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of soluble fiber, which expands the digestive tract. In addition, they are packed with protein, which can aid in weight loss.
Fenugreek can be taken in various forms, including fresh, dried, and capsules. It can also be used as a food stabilizer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is holistic health care equivalent to alternative medicine?
Holistic Health Care is different than Alternative Medicine because it addresses the whole person rather than just symptoms.
Holistic Health Care examines all aspects a person's health including the mental, emotional, spiritual and occupational factors as well as family factors.
Alternative Medicine does nothing to address these issues. It doesn't address these issues.
Is holistic healing legitimate?
Yes, and no. Yes, because many medicines have been proven effective against various ailments. Because they can't cure every condition. It all depends upon what you mean with “holistic.” It all depends on what you mean by “holistic.”
Some people claim that holistic medicine has been around since ancient times. This is false. Although natural remedies were used by some healers in ancient Egypt and Rome, they were not scientifically backed.
It wasn't until after the Middle Ages that medical doctors began to study anatomy. Most Western countries had established public hospitals in which trained doctors could offer medical care by the turn of the 19th century.
Conventional medicine is today the dominant type of healthcare. However, many people still prefer to use complementary and alternative medicine. Many people find it more effective than prescription drugs.
People may feel more relaxed after having massage therapy than they do when taking tranquilizers. Others enjoy eating healthy foods instead of taking prescription medications. Some people find that exercising regularly is beneficial for their bodies.
How safe can holistic medicine be?
Holistic medicines are safe because they are not harmful drugs but natural remedies for people who have been using them for centuries.
They have been shown to cure many illnesses, such as arthritis, chronic pain, asthma, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, infertility, etc.
Millions of people suffer from various illnesses use holistic medicines. They include homeopathy. acupuncture. chiropractic care. herbal treatments. massage therapy. Yoga, meditation. biofeedback. Nutrition, counseling. Physical fitness. exercise. These therapies treat the whole person rather than just treating the symptoms.
Alternative medicine is important.
Alternative medicine is very popular, as they are often less expensive and more beneficial than traditional treatments. Many patients have died due to side effects or allergic reactions after using these treatments. There are also alternatives that may be more effective.
Alternate medicines can be dangerous, especially if you don’t know enough to choose the best ones. Vitamin supplements, for instance, aren't controlled like pharmaceuticals. This makes it easy to take too many vitamins. Even worse, some alternative remedies contain toxic chemicals.
What is the alternative to holistic medicine?
Holistic medicine is an approach to health care that considers all aspects of the human body and its emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental dimensions. It is based on the concept that any illness must have multiple causes and requires a combination of treatments for maximum effectiveness.
Holistic medicine doctors believe that prevention is more effective than treatment. They are able to work closely with patients in order to ensure optimal wellness.
They look for the root causes of disease to prevent them from returning. Holistic doctors consider the whole body and not just the individual organs. They commonly refer to the entire person as “the body”.
They treat the whole body, not just the skin. The doctor may suggest changes to diet, lifestyle, and exercise. He may also recommend yoga and meditation, herbal supplements or massage, acupuncture treatment, or alternative medicine.
Where can you find more information on holistic medicine and other holistic therapies?
Holistic medicine focuses on the whole person instead of just one aspect of health care. Holistic medicine addresses all aspects of the patient's health, including spiritual, mental, physical and emotional well-being.
Holistic medicine treats the whole person and not individual symptoms. The focus of holistic medicine is not on curing the disease but on promoting healing.
Holistic medicine also includes treatments for chronic conditions, such as diabetes and arthritis.
There are many options for holistic medicine.
- Acupuncture
- Aromatherapy
- Ayurveda
- Chiropractic medicine
- Homeopathy
- Herbalism
- Naturopathy
- Nutrition
- Osteopathic medicine
- Vedic medicine
- Yoga
What is a holistic medicine doctor?
Holistic medicine is a holistic approach to treating patients. They may incorporate western medicine into their treatment, as well as traditional methods such acupuncture or herbs.
They treat the illness, not just the symptoms. The patient should feel better after treatment.
Doctors must not only treat the illness but also look out for ways to prevent it from returning.
“Holistic” is a term that refers all aspects of a person’s life.
- The use of alternative medicine in the US has increased, with a 50 percent increase in expenditures and a 25 percent increase in the use of alternative therapies between 1990 and 1997 in America. (en.wikipedia.org)
- According to a 2005 book by a US [116]Institute of Medicine panel, the number of RCTs focused on CAM has risen dramatically. (en.wikipedia.org)
- An assessment of conventional treatments found that 41.3% concluded positive or possibly positive effects, 20% concluded no effect, 8.1% concluded net harmful effects, and 21.3% concluded insufficient evidence. (en.wikipedia.org)
- A 15-year systematic review published in 2022 on the global acceptance and use of CAM among medical specialists found the overall acceptance of CAM at 52% and the overall use at 45%. (en.wikipedia.org)
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- A Randomized controlled trial to determine the effect of foot reflexology on depression and anxiety in older women: PubMed
- A sociological perspective on the rise and fall of complementary and alternate medicine – PubMed
- PubMed: Holistic medicine – PubMed
How To
What are the Advances and Shortcomings of Holistic Medicine.
Holistic medicine, a type of medical practice, emphasizes the importance and interdependence of mind, spirit, environment, social factors, and the healing process. The concept was developed by Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936), in the late 19th century. His first book, The Doctor's Book of Mind Cure (in 1924), is his first. He used simple techniques such as meditation, visualization, and hypnosis. People suffering from anxiety, depression and pain can benefit from this treatment. This therapy is also helpful for patients who want to improve their lives and cope with their issues.
While holistic therapies are still being used today, there is not enough evidence to support their effectiveness. However, some studies show that these treatments can help reduce symptoms associated with chronic conditions such as asthma, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, migraine, obesity, osteoporosis, and others.
There are many positives and negatives to holistic medicine.
- Lack of scientific evidence. A few carefully designed, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), have evaluated the effectiveness of holistic therapies. The majority of researches show positive results.
- Comparable to traditional medicine, alternative medicines are less expensive. Some alternative medicines are cheaper than traditional ones, especially when the patient follows a natural diet.
- Patients do NOT feel pressured or compelled to follow prescribed protocols.
- Many doctors recommend complementary therapies without prescribing them.
- Many holistic therapies can be used alongside conventional medicine. Acupuncture is often combined with medications or surgery.
- Alternative therapies are believed to be more effective than conventional medicine.
- Alternative medicines are more natural than traditional drugs.
- Many patients use complementary treatments to complement their lifestyle changes. They want to be well but still enjoy their lives.
- Patients who follow holistic treatments tend to be healthier.
- The popularity of holistic therapies is growing among seniors.
- Complementary treatments require more research.
- Research has shown that many people would prefer to explore alternative treatment options before visiting a doctor.
- It is important for doctors to realize that not all patients will benefit equally from alternate treatments.
- Holistic therapies should be part our culture and education system.
- Holistic treatments may not always be safe for everyone.
- So that patients can make informed decisions, we must be able to communicate with them about the various therapies.
- Holistic treatments are not just for hippies.
- Certain diseases cannot be treated with holistic treatments.
- Holistic therapies can sometimes prove to be dangerous.
- Holistic therapies can be beneficial for certain conditions.
- Holistic therapies are highly effective.
- Holistic treatments are based on ancient knowledge.
- Holistic treatments are easy and simple to understand.
- It can be difficult to learn holistic therapies.
- It can be hard to learn holistic therapies.
- Holistic treatments can be too costly.
- Holistic treatments can be quite expensive.
- Holistic treatment is less costly than conventional medicine.
- Holistic treatments are more expensive than conventional medicine.
Holistic Medicine–A Brief History
Holistic medicine focuses on the whole person and not just their symptoms. It includes physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, occupational, environmental, cultural, and lifestyle influences. Prevention is better than treatment. It focuses on prevention and management of disease, such as diet, exercise, relaxation, stress management, and so forth.
Bastyr University, Seattle was the first school to offer holistic medicine. It was founded in 1972. After the 1996 publication of “Spontaneous Healing,” Dr. Andrew Weil's book, holistic medicine began to take root. Dr. David Williams founded the American Holistic Medical Association, Dr. Michael Murray co-founded it in 1997. Today, there are hundreds of holistic medicine schools worldwide, including Bastyr University, Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons, Maharishi Ayurveda Institute, Pacific School of Oriental Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and many others.
The World Health Organization designated holistic medicine as one the five top trends in healthcare in 2013. This trend involves integrating conventional medicine with complementary therapies such acupuncture (homeopathy), herbalism, massage treatment, reiki and yoga. This integration aims at providing safe, effective, patient centered care while minimizing costs and side effects.
Holistic medicine works because of the interconnectedness of our body, mind, and spirit. Illness can occur when any one of these three components is out of balance. Take, for example:
You become tense and out of balance when your mind is stressed or anxious. Cortisol is a hormone which increases inflammation. This causes you to feel weak and tired.
You feel negative emotions such as anger, fear, grief and sadness when your emotions are high. These feelings create stress in your brain. If untreated, these stress hormones can trigger adrenaline and cortisol production. Adrenaline is a stimulant of your heart beat, blood pressure, as well as breathing rate. Cortisol is a hormone that affects your immune, digestive, and nervous systems. Both hormones cause fatigue, muscle tension, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and other health problems.
A depressed spirit can lead to a loss of faith and hope. Also, you may lack self-esteem. This could result in poor eating habits, unhealthy relationships and low energy. Your spirit will make you feel happy, cheerful, peaceful, optimistic, and positive.
The difference between alternative medicine and allopathic medicine
Allopathic medicine is based upon the scientific method. To diagnose patients, doctors use xrays, MRIs and CAT scans. When necessary, they prescribe medication and perform surgery. Allopathic doctors believe they understand the human body, and can prescribe medications to treat ailments. Alternative medicine can be used for vitamins, minerals, diet and exercise. Alternative medicine does not have a defined definition. Some people call it natural medicine, integrative medicine, and complementary medicine. Other names include traditional medicine and naturopathic medicines.
This blog is a source of general information and discussion on health and related topics. Information and materials on this blog, on the website, or in any of the connected materials are not intended to replace or used as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional, diagnosis, or treatment. This blog does not represent the application of any nursing, medical or other health professional advice or diagnosis. We are unable to diagnose health conditions, offer second opinions or provide specific treatment recommendations via this blog or on our website.
If you or another person is suffering from a medical issue and you are concerned, consult your doctor or seek out other medical professional treatment as soon as possible. Do not disregard medical advice from a professional or delay seeking it due to information you seen on the blog or website or in any of the linked materials. If you're experiencing an emergency medical situation, dial 911 or seek emergency medical assistance on the closest phone immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is holistic health care equivalent to alternative medicine?
Holistic Health Care is different than Alternative Medicine because it addresses the whole person rather than just symptoms.
Holistic Health Care examines all aspects a person's health including the mental, emotional, spiritual and occupational factors as well as family factors.
Alternative Medicine does nothing to address these issues. It doesn't address these issues.
Is holistic healing legitimate?
Yes, and no. Yes, because many medicines have been proven effective against various ailments. Because they can't cure every condition. It all depends upon what you mean with “holistic.” It all depends on what you mean by “holistic.”
Some people claim that holistic medicine has been around since ancient times. This is false. Although natural remedies were used by some healers in ancient Egypt and Rome, they were not scientifically backed.
It wasn't until after the Middle Ages that medical doctors began to study anatomy. Most Western countries had established public hospitals in which trained doctors could offer medical care by the turn of the 19th century.
Conventional medicine is today the dominant type of healthcare. However, many people still prefer to use complementary and alternative medicine. Many people find it more effective than prescription drugs.
People may feel more relaxed after having massage therapy than they do when taking tranquilizers. Others enjoy eating healthy foods instead of taking prescription medications. Some people find that exercising regularly is beneficial for their bodies.
How safe can holistic medicine be?
Holistic medicines are safe because they are not harmful drugs but natural remedies for people who have been using them for centuries.
They have been shown to cure many illnesses, such as arthritis, chronic pain, asthma, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, infertility, etc.
Millions of people suffer from various illnesses use holistic medicines. They include homeopathy. acupuncture. chiropractic care. herbal treatments. massage therapy. Yoga, meditation. biofeedback. Nutrition, counseling. Physical fitness. exercise. These therapies treat the whole person rather than just treating the symptoms.
Alternative medicine is important.
Alternative medicine is very popular, as they are often less expensive and more beneficial than traditional treatments. Many patients have died due to side effects or allergic reactions after using these treatments. There are also alternatives that may be more effective.
Alternate medicines can be dangerous, especially if you don’t know enough to choose the best ones. Vitamin supplements, for instance, aren't controlled like pharmaceuticals. This makes it easy to take too many vitamins. Even worse, some alternative remedies contain toxic chemicals.
What is the alternative to holistic medicine?
Holistic medicine is an approach to health care that considers all aspects of the human body and its emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental dimensions. It is based on the concept that any illness must have multiple causes and requires a combination of treatments for maximum effectiveness.
Holistic medicine doctors believe that prevention is more effective than treatment. They are able to work closely with patients in order to ensure optimal wellness.
They look for the root causes of disease to prevent them from returning. Holistic doctors consider the whole body and not just the individual organs. They commonly refer to the entire person as “the body”.
They treat the whole body, not just the skin. The doctor may suggest changes to diet, lifestyle, and exercise. He may also recommend yoga and meditation, herbal supplements or massage, acupuncture treatment, or alternative medicine.
Where can you find more information on holistic medicine and other holistic therapies?
Holistic medicine focuses on the whole person instead of just one aspect of health care. Holistic medicine addresses all aspects of the patient's health, including spiritual, mental, physical and emotional well-being.
Holistic medicine treats the whole person and not individual symptoms. The focus of holistic medicine is not on curing the disease but on promoting healing.
Holistic medicine also includes treatments for chronic conditions, such as diabetes and arthritis.
There are many options for holistic medicine.
- Acupuncture
- Aromatherapy
- Ayurveda
- Chiropractic medicine
- Homeopathy
- Herbalism
- Naturopathy
- Nutrition
- Osteopathic medicine
- Vedic medicine
- Yoga
What is a holistic medicine doctor?
Holistic medicine is a holistic approach to treating patients. They may incorporate western medicine into their treatment, as well as traditional methods such acupuncture or herbs.
They treat the illness, not just the symptoms. The patient should feel better after treatment.
Doctors must not only treat the illness but also look out for ways to prevent it from returning.
“Holistic” is a term that refers all aspects of a person’s life.
- The use of alternative medicine in the US has increased, with a 50 percent increase in expenditures and a 25 percent increase in the use of alternative therapies between 1990 and 1997 in America. (en.wikipedia.org)
- According to a 2005 book by a US [116]Institute of Medicine panel, the number of RCTs focused on CAM has risen dramatically. (en.wikipedia.org)
- An assessment of conventional treatments found that 41.3% concluded positive or possibly positive effects, 20% concluded no effect, 8.1% concluded net harmful effects, and 21.3% concluded insufficient evidence. (en.wikipedia.org)
- A 15-year systematic review published in 2022 on the global acceptance and use of CAM among medical specialists found the overall acceptance of CAM at 52% and the overall use at 45%. (en.wikipedia.org)
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- A Randomized controlled trial to determine the effect of foot reflexology on depression and anxiety in older women: PubMed
- A sociological perspective on the rise and fall of complementary and alternate medicine – PubMed
- PubMed: Holistic medicine – PubMed
How To
What are the Advances and Shortcomings of Holistic Medicine.
Holistic medicine, a type of medical practice, emphasizes the importance and interdependence of mind, spirit, environment, social factors, and the healing process. The concept was developed by Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936), in the late 19th century. His first book, The Doctor's Book of Mind Cure (in 1924), is his first. He used simple techniques such as meditation, visualization, and hypnosis. People suffering from anxiety, depression and pain can benefit from this treatment. This therapy is also helpful for patients who want to improve their lives and cope with their issues.
While holistic therapies are still being used today, there is not enough evidence to support their effectiveness. However, some studies show that these treatments can help reduce symptoms associated with chronic conditions such as asthma, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, migraine, obesity, osteoporosis, and others.
There are many positives and negatives to holistic medicine.
- Lack of scientific evidence. A few carefully designed, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), have evaluated the effectiveness of holistic therapies. The majority of researches show positive results.
- Comparable to traditional medicine, alternative medicines are less expensive. Some alternative medicines are cheaper than traditional ones, especially when the patient follows a natural diet.
- Patients do NOT feel pressured or compelled to follow prescribed protocols.
- Many doctors recommend complementary therapies without prescribing them.
- Many holistic therapies can be used alongside conventional medicine. Acupuncture is often combined with medications or surgery.
- Alternative therapies are believed to be more effective than conventional medicine.
- Alternative medicines are more natural than traditional drugs.
- Many patients use complementary treatments to complement their lifestyle changes. They want to be well but still enjoy their lives.
- Patients who follow holistic treatments tend to be healthier.
- The popularity of holistic therapies is growing among seniors.
- Complementary treatments require more research.
- Research has shown that many people would prefer to explore alternative treatment options before visiting a doctor.
- It is important for doctors to realize that not all patients will benefit equally from alternate treatments.
- Holistic therapies should be part our culture and education system.
- Holistic treatments may not always be safe for everyone.
- So that patients can make informed decisions, we must be able to communicate with them about the various therapies.
- Holistic treatments are not just for hippies.
- Certain diseases cannot be treated with holistic treatments.
- Holistic therapies can sometimes prove to be dangerous.
- Holistic therapies can be beneficial for certain conditions.
- Holistic therapies are highly effective.
- Holistic treatments are based on ancient knowledge.
- Holistic treatments are easy and simple to understand.
- It can be difficult to learn holistic therapies.
- It can be hard to learn holistic therapies.
- Holistic treatments can be too costly.
- Holistic treatments can be quite expensive.
- Holistic treatment is less costly than conventional medicine.
- Holistic treatments are more expensive than conventional medicine.
Holistic Medicine–A Brief History
Holistic medicine focuses on the whole person and not just their symptoms. It includes physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, occupational, environmental, cultural, and lifestyle influences. Prevention is better than treatment. It focuses on prevention and management of disease, such as diet, exercise, relaxation, stress management, and so forth.
Bastyr University, Seattle was the first school to offer holistic medicine. It was founded in 1972. After the 1996 publication of “Spontaneous Healing,” Dr. Andrew Weil's book, holistic medicine began to take root. Dr. David Williams founded the American Holistic Medical Association, Dr. Michael Murray co-founded it in 1997. Today, there are hundreds of holistic medicine schools worldwide, including Bastyr University, Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons, Maharishi Ayurveda Institute, Pacific School of Oriental Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and many others.
The World Health Organization designated holistic medicine as one the five top trends in healthcare in 2013. This trend involves integrating conventional medicine with complementary therapies such acupuncture (homeopathy), herbalism, massage treatment, reiki and yoga. This integration aims at providing safe, effective, patient centered care while minimizing costs and side effects.
Holistic medicine works because of the interconnectedness of our body, mind, and spirit. Illness can occur when any one of these three components is out of balance. Take, for example:
You become tense and out of balance when your mind is stressed or anxious. Cortisol is a hormone which increases inflammation. This causes you to feel weak and tired.
You feel negative emotions such as anger, fear, grief and sadness when your emotions are high. These feelings create stress in your brain. If untreated, these stress hormones can trigger adrenaline and cortisol production. Adrenaline is a stimulant of your heart beat, blood pressure, as well as breathing rate. Cortisol is a hormone that affects your immune, digestive, and nervous systems. Both hormones cause fatigue, muscle tension, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and other health problems.
A depressed spirit can lead to a loss of faith and hope. Also, you may lack self-esteem. This could result in poor eating habits, unhealthy relationships and low energy. Your spirit will make you feel happy, cheerful, peaceful, optimistic, and positive.
The difference between alternative medicine and allopathic medicine
Allopathic medicine is based upon the scientific method. To diagnose patients, doctors use xrays, MRIs and CAT scans. When necessary, they prescribe medication and perform surgery. Allopathic doctors believe they understand the human body, and can prescribe medications to treat ailments. Alternative medicine can be used for vitamins, minerals, diet and exercise. Alternative medicine does not have a defined definition. Some people call it natural medicine, integrative medicine, and complementary medicine. Other names include traditional medicine and naturopathic medicines.
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