Secrets to long-term health and wellbeing
By Linda and Charlie Bloom
You may be surprised (and disturbed) to learn that Americans invest twice as much in health care than other developed countries.
In a recent article published in the AARP Bulletin, an article discussed a 2011 survey of 17 industrialized nations where American men ranked at the bottom in terms of life expectancy (75.6) and American woman ranked second to last (80.7). The gap between America's life expectancy and that of other countries has grown over the last three decades.
The National Institute of Health was concerned about these statistics and ordered a study of US deaths resulting from various causes, including drug use, alcohol consumption, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and homicide. Researchers found that “a pattern of shorter life spans and poor health” was prevalent across all socioeconomic groups.
It's clear that Americans are not ranked so low as compared to other countries because of their health care expenditure. The AARP article also mentions other conditions that can affect our health. These are factors we have control over. The AARP article mentions that although Americans tend to drink less and smoke less, they eat more per person, use seat belts much less, are more susceptible to gun violence and have higher drug abuse rates. Many people cannot afford quality medical care due to the high costs of health insurance and medical care. We rely on cars for our main form of transportation and therefore tend to walk less. We also get less exercise.
This study has a lot of important conclusions, but it leaves out one factor that is very important to the quality of life. This factor is the disintegration of communities, as our society fragments and becomes dependent on technology for communication. We are less likely to have direct and personal interactions with other people. Many of us do not connect the dots that a decrease in personal interaction with others has a negative impact on our health. However, many highly respected health experts have made the connection and have much to say.
John Robbins, in his best-selling Healthy at 100 states that our relationships are the greatest indicator of health and longevity. He says that loneliness is one of the leading risk factors for premature death. He makes mention of cultures known for their longevity, and how they invest time and effort in cultivating personal relationships. Robbins mentions the Abkhasia, who live in Southern Russia's Caucausus Mountains as having the longest life expectancy. Wealth is not defined by money in this culture. It's measured instead by the quality and number of relationships a person has with their extended family and community.
Dean Ornish, a highly respected physician and researcher, says: “I'm not aware of another factor that impacts our quality of living, the incidence of illness, and premature deaths from any cause, such as diet, smoking, exercise, stress, genetics, drugs, or surgery.”
Relationships that are supportive and nourishing can help reduce stress when we feel isolated, overwhelmed, or disconnected from our loved ones. Stress releases catecholomines, such as adrenaline and noradrenaline. Social support can reduce stress by reducing the production of stress hormones. Eve Shehilo MD speaks of a “love cocktails” that sets off physiological events within the body. The body releases hormones and peptides such as endorphins and oxytocin. These reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and create positive physiology.”
Psycho-social support is as important as healthy eating, safe driving, exercise, and not smoking. The time we spend with our spouses, children, grand-children, and closest friends sends “live messages” to the cells.
We need to make the public aware of the importance that healthy relationships play in our overall health. The return on investment in our relationships is greater than anything else we can do for our health. Break those bad habits and develop some healthier ones. Don't forget your friends, family and community. It takes time and effort to cultivate quality relationships, but nothing else will give us more return on investment. That's the truth.
Alternative Medicine Magazine published the first article on Secrets for Long Life Life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the distinction between holistic medicine and traditional medicines?
Traditional medicine tends to treat symptoms while holistic medicine treats the entire person. Holistic medicine looks at the patient as a whole rather than just focusing on one aspect of his/her health.
Traditional medicine treats only certain organs or systems (such the brain), while holistic medicine looks at all aspects of the body, from the inside out. It also examines the effects of lifestyle choices on overall wellbeing.
What are the Five Alternative Medical Systems (Alternatives)?
These five alternative medicine systems are Ayurveda (acupuncture), Ayurveda (homeopathy), energy healing, aromatherapy, and homeopathy.
Acupuncture employs fine needles to stimulate the flow qi (energy) throughout your body.
Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient system for health care that balances the three major humors, water, fire, and air. It can be used to help with diet, exercise, herbs, massage, and meditation.
Homeopathic Medicine is derived from the Greek words homoios meaning similar and pathos meaning disease. Homeopaths believe that every disease has natural causes. However, symptoms are not the only thing that can be caused. They treat people by prescribing minute doses of substances that cause similar symptoms to those experienced when the person is ill.
Energy Healing is also known for Reiki, EFT Rolfing Therapeutic Touch, Rolfing and Rolfing. This therapy is based on the belief that each person is connected to a universal life force called Ki. When this Ki flows freely through us, we feel well. Energy healers work with touch and intention to restore harmony and balance between our mental, spiritual, and physical selves.
Aromatherapy uses essential oils derived from plants for therapeutic reasons. Aromatherapists believe certain scents can influence mood and behavior. Lavender essential oil is used most often in aromatherapy.
Alternative medicine is important.
Alternative medicine is very popular, as they are often less expensive and more beneficial than traditional treatments. Unfortunately, many patients have died as a result of side effects like allergic reactions. Other therapies might not work.
If you don't have enough knowledge about alternative medicines, they can pose a danger. Vitamin supplements, for example, are not regulated like pharmaceuticals. It is easy to overdose on vitamins. Worse, alternative remedies may contain toxic chemicals.
Can a holistic practitioner write prescriptions?
Holistic medicine relies on the idea that all diseases are caused in part by a combination – diet, lifestyle and environment. Stress, anxiety, genetics and any other health-related factors.
A well-rounded approach to treating patients includes considering these variables when prescribing medication.
To understand how each factor affects a patient, a physician must understand modern science and traditional methods such as herbs and homeopathy.
Many doctors have been certified in complementary or alternative medicine (C&A). This allows them offer a wide range of services to patients.
Why do people with cancer use alternative methods?
Cancer patients often face many challenges as they attempt to overcome their illness. Many patients feel defeated and hopeless. Some symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headaches, weight loss, and fatigue.
Additionally, most traditional treatments do not work against cancer cells. Patients with cancer should look into alternative treatments, such as complementary medicine. Research shows that nearly half of patients have used alternative medicine at least once in their treatment.
Some cancer patients choose complementary medicine over chemotherapy, believing it will be easier for them to manage side effects. They may also prefer it as it costs less.
There are also other reasons.
Some patients believe that natural remedies can help prevent a recurrence.
Many people believe that natural remedies can improve the quality of life.
Others believe that natural remedies can reduce the risk of getting cancer again.
Natural remedies are first-line therapy for those who are concerned about side effects from chemotherapy.
- In 83% of the cases, the readers agreed. (
- In the 17% in which they disagreed, a third reader agreed with one of the initial readers to set a rating. (
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (
- According to the World Health Organization, 80% of people use herbal medicine worldwide. (
- According to a 2005 book by a US [116]Institute of Medicine panel, the number of RCTs focused on CAM has risen dramatically. (
External Links
- PubMed. The Effect of Foot reflexology on Hospital Anxiety, Depression and Suffering in Older Women: A Randomized Controlled Test – PubMed
How To
How to pursue a career in Holistic Medicine
The field of holistic medicine continues to grow at an incredible rate. There are many ways you can pursue this career path. It is best to return home to school if this is what you desire to do if it is a commitment to your chosen profession.
Many schools offer programs in holistic medicine. There are many schools that offer courses in holistic medicine, including the National College for Complementary Medicines. This college offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees. There are also programs that are specifically designed for medical professionals who want to enter this field.
There are many online universities that offer holistic health courses. One such program is the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. This institution provides students with various holistic health education tools and resources.
You can also enroll in a four-year college. Many colleges now offer courses in holistic health. The University of California, for example, offers a Bachelor's degree in holistic health sciences.
If you plan on pursuing a career in holistic medicine, you should consider taking a course in nutrition. NCCM recommends that students take a course in nutrition before they begin any professional training. Integrative medicine requires a thorough understanding of nutrition science.
Holistic medicine treats the whole person, not just symptoms. This requires more knowledge and skills than conventional medicine. Holistic medicine also requires understanding of how to evaluate different types and illnesses from a nutritional standpoint.
According to the NCCM, nutritionists often collaborate with doctors to offer dietary advice to patients. Some may even recommend diets or supplements that are specific to the patient's needs based on their assessment.
The fundamental principles of nutrition are essential for holistic practitioners. This includes knowing which foods are healthy, and which are not. It is also about identifying nutrient deficiencies as well as other problems that may cause them.
It is important that holistic practitioners are not all trained in nutrition. Some practitioners focus solely on acupuncture, while others focus on herbal remedies. Others combine both of these approaches into one treatment.
However, most holistic practitioners recommend a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. They recommend eating lots of seafood and fish. They discourage the consumption of processed food products and fast-food restaurants. Instead, they urge people to eat organic whenever possible.
A balanced diet is a key factor in preventing disease, which holistic practitioners all agree on. There are some things that they disagree on. For example, they do not believe that gluten causes celiac. They think that the disorder can be triggered by a lack or nutrients.
However, they all agree that certain foods can cause allergic reactions. Anaphylaxis can be caused by peanuts and shellfish, for example. They also caution against excessive caffeine consumption.
Many holistic practitioners prefer to use herbs for various conditions, but they don't recommend the use of drugs. This is because they feel that such substances only mask the problem instead of solving it. As a result, they prefer to rely on natural remedies when possible.
In addition to offering a variety of alternative therapies, holistic practitioners tend to employ a number of complementary methods. These include:
- Acupuncture-In Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves inserting needles strategically into the skin. This is believed to stimulate the body's healing mechanisms.
- Herbal therapy – This is a form of acupuncture that holistic practitioners also use to treat different disorders. Ginseng is a common herb used in this area.
- Homeopathy – A form of traditional Chinese medicine, also known as homeopathy, is based around the principle that like cures. Suppose you experience a symptom similar to one that occurs when someone else has a particular ailment. In this case, you will need to search for a remedy which contains the same ingredients as the original substance.
- Massage therapy – Many holistic practitioners offer massage to promote relaxation and stress reduction. They claim it improves blood circulation, increases energy levels, and relieves muscle tension.
When choosing a practitioner, you should ensure that he or she meets your needs. For example, a practitioner who specializes in nutrition counseling is a good choice. Likewise, if you want to learn more about acupuncture, find a practitioner certified by the American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAOM).
If you have any questions regarding holistic health care, ask your doctor before making any decisions. Your insurance provider may be able to provide information about which services you are covered.
This blog is a source of general information and discussion on health and related topics. Information and materials on this blog, on the website, or in any of the connected materials are not intended to replace or used as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional, diagnosis, or treatment. This blog does not represent the application of any nursing, medical or other health professional advice or diagnosis. We are unable to diagnose health conditions, offer second opinions or provide specific treatment recommendations via this blog or on our website.
If you or another person is suffering from a medical issue and you are concerned, consult your doctor or seek out other medical professional treatment as soon as possible. Do not disregard medical advice from a professional or delay seeking it due to information you seen on the blog or website or in any of the linked materials. If you're experiencing an emergency medical situation, dial 911 or seek emergency medical assistance on the closest phone immediately.
By: Dick Benson
Title: Secrets for Long Live Life
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 06:00:36 +0000
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the distinction between holistic medicine and traditional medicines?
Traditional medicine tends to treat symptoms while holistic medicine treats the entire person. Holistic medicine looks at the patient as a whole rather than just focusing on one aspect of his/her health.
Traditional medicine treats only certain organs or systems (such the brain), while holistic medicine looks at all aspects of the body, from the inside out. It also examines the effects of lifestyle choices on overall wellbeing.
What are the Five Alternative Medical Systems (Alternatives)?
These five alternative medicine systems are Ayurveda (acupuncture), Ayurveda (homeopathy), energy healing, aromatherapy, and homeopathy.
Acupuncture employs fine needles to stimulate the flow qi (energy) throughout your body.
Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient system for health care that balances the three major humors, water, fire, and air. It can be used to help with diet, exercise, herbs, massage, and meditation.
Homeopathic Medicine is derived from the Greek words homoios meaning similar and pathos meaning disease. Homeopaths believe that every disease has natural causes. However, symptoms are not the only thing that can be caused. They treat people by prescribing minute doses of substances that cause similar symptoms to those experienced when the person is ill.
Energy Healing is also known for Reiki, EFT Rolfing Therapeutic Touch, Rolfing and Rolfing. This therapy is based on the belief that each person is connected to a universal life force called Ki. When this Ki flows freely through us, we feel well. Energy healers work with touch and intention to restore harmony and balance between our mental, spiritual, and physical selves.
Aromatherapy uses essential oils derived from plants for therapeutic reasons. Aromatherapists believe certain scents can influence mood and behavior. Lavender essential oil is used most often in aromatherapy.
Alternative medicine is important.
Alternative medicine is very popular, as they are often less expensive and more beneficial than traditional treatments. Unfortunately, many patients have died as a result of side effects like allergic reactions. Other therapies might not work.
If you don't have enough knowledge about alternative medicines, they can pose a danger. Vitamin supplements, for example, are not regulated like pharmaceuticals. It is easy to overdose on vitamins. Worse, alternative remedies may contain toxic chemicals.
Can a holistic practitioner write prescriptions?
Holistic medicine relies on the idea that all diseases are caused in part by a combination – diet, lifestyle and environment. Stress, anxiety, genetics and any other health-related factors.
A well-rounded approach to treating patients includes considering these variables when prescribing medication.
To understand how each factor affects a patient, a physician must understand modern science and traditional methods such as herbs and homeopathy.
Many doctors have been certified in complementary or alternative medicine (C&A). This allows them offer a wide range of services to patients.
Why do people with cancer use alternative methods?
Cancer patients often face many challenges as they attempt to overcome their illness. Many patients feel defeated and hopeless. Some symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headaches, weight loss, and fatigue.
Additionally, most traditional treatments do not work against cancer cells. Patients with cancer should look into alternative treatments, such as complementary medicine. Research shows that nearly half of patients have used alternative medicine at least once in their treatment.
Some cancer patients choose complementary medicine over chemotherapy, believing it will be easier for them to manage side effects. They may also prefer it as it costs less.
There are also other reasons.
Some patients believe that natural remedies can help prevent a recurrence.
Many people believe that natural remedies can improve the quality of life.
Others believe that natural remedies can reduce the risk of getting cancer again.
Natural remedies are first-line therapy for those who are concerned about side effects from chemotherapy.
- In 83% of the cases, the readers agreed. (
- In the 17% in which they disagreed, a third reader agreed with one of the initial readers to set a rating. (
- category.[111]Edzard Ernst characterized the evidence for many alternative techniques as weak, nonexistent, or negative and in 2011, published his estimate that about 7.4% were based on “sound evidence.” However, he believes that may be an overestimate. (
- According to the World Health Organization, 80% of people use herbal medicine worldwide. (
- According to a 2005 book by a US [116]Institute of Medicine panel, the number of RCTs focused on CAM has risen dramatically. (
External Links
- PubMed. The Effect of Foot reflexology on Hospital Anxiety, Depression and Suffering in Older Women: A Randomized Controlled Test – PubMed
How To
How to pursue a career in Holistic Medicine
The field of holistic medicine continues to grow at an incredible rate. There are many ways you can pursue this career path. It is best to return home to school if this is what you desire to do if it is a commitment to your chosen profession.
Many schools offer programs in holistic medicine. There are many schools that offer courses in holistic medicine, including the National College for Complementary Medicines. This college offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees. There are also programs that are specifically designed for medical professionals who want to enter this field.
There are many online universities that offer holistic health courses. One such program is the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. This institution provides students with various holistic health education tools and resources.
You can also enroll in a four-year college. Many colleges now offer courses in holistic health. The University of California, for example, offers a Bachelor's degree in holistic health sciences.
If you plan on pursuing a career in holistic medicine, you should consider taking a course in nutrition. NCCM recommends that students take a course in nutrition before they begin any professional training. Integrative medicine requires a thorough understanding of nutrition science.
Holistic medicine treats the whole person, not just symptoms. This requires more knowledge and skills than conventional medicine. Holistic medicine also requires understanding of how to evaluate different types and illnesses from a nutritional standpoint.
According to the NCCM, nutritionists often collaborate with doctors to offer dietary advice to patients. Some may even recommend diets or supplements that are specific to the patient's needs based on their assessment.
The fundamental principles of nutrition are essential for holistic practitioners. This includes knowing which foods are healthy, and which are not. It is also about identifying nutrient deficiencies as well as other problems that may cause them.
It is important that holistic practitioners are not all trained in nutrition. Some practitioners focus solely on acupuncture, while others focus on herbal remedies. Others combine both of these approaches into one treatment.
However, most holistic practitioners recommend a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. They recommend eating lots of seafood and fish. They discourage the consumption of processed food products and fast-food restaurants. Instead, they urge people to eat organic whenever possible.
A balanced diet is a key factor in preventing disease, which holistic practitioners all agree on. There are some things that they disagree on. For example, they do not believe that gluten causes celiac. They think that the disorder can be triggered by a lack or nutrients.
However, they all agree that certain foods can cause allergic reactions. Anaphylaxis can be caused by peanuts and shellfish, for example. They also caution against excessive caffeine consumption.
Many holistic practitioners prefer to use herbs for various conditions, but they don't recommend the use of drugs. This is because they feel that such substances only mask the problem instead of solving it. As a result, they prefer to rely on natural remedies when possible.
In addition to offering a variety of alternative therapies, holistic practitioners tend to employ a number of complementary methods. These include:
- Acupuncture-In Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves inserting needles strategically into the skin. This is believed to stimulate the body's healing mechanisms.
- Herbal therapy – This is a form of acupuncture that holistic practitioners also use to treat different disorders. Ginseng is a common herb used in this area.
- Homeopathy – A form of traditional Chinese medicine, also known as homeopathy, is based around the principle that like cures. Suppose you experience a symptom similar to one that occurs when someone else has a particular ailment. In this case, you will need to search for a remedy which contains the same ingredients as the original substance.
- Massage therapy – Many holistic practitioners offer massage to promote relaxation and stress reduction. They claim it improves blood circulation, increases energy levels, and relieves muscle tension.
When choosing a practitioner, you should ensure that he or she meets your needs. For example, a practitioner who specializes in nutrition counseling is a good choice. Likewise, if you want to learn more about acupuncture, find a practitioner certified by the American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAOM).
If you have any questions regarding holistic health care, ask your doctor before making any decisions. Your insurance provider may be able to provide information about which services you are covered.
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