When choosing an alternative medicine university, consider the following aspects: Curriculum, Accreditation, Courses offered, and Cost. There are several benefits to attending an alternative medicine university. If you are serious about becoming a doctor, you may want to continue your education to become an alternative medicine practitioner. After completing your degree, you can enter … [Read more...]
Alternative Medicine for GMS
A recent study found that one-third of people with GMS or general medical services use alternative medicine as a treatment. Among those who had tried it, 40 percent said it was more effective than conventional treatments. Overall, the results were positive for eighty-seven percent of patients. Despite the controversy surrounding this form of treatment, it does have many benefits. It is … [Read more...]
Five Ways in Which Conventional Medicine Benefits You
In the United States, conventional medicine is widely used. It uses drugs to treat symptoms, surgery, and radiation to cure illness. But there are other forms of medicine that are equally as effective. Biological, energy, and herbal medicine are the most common ones, but there are other forms as well. Learn more about these methods below. Here are five ways in which conventional medicine benefits … [Read more...]
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Traditional Medicine Regulations
In recent decades, governments in several countries of the global south have started regulating practitioners of traditional medicine. This has resulted from inadequate primary healthcare and inadequate funding. This article discusses the benefits and drawbacks of regulation of T&CM practitioners. Also included are some examples of the potential problems of regulation. Read on to discover … [Read more...]